Cooking with children: quick garlic bread recipe

There are hundreds of ways to prepare garlic bread, one of the easiest I know is this one that I will teach you today. I learned this recipe to prepare garlic bread in my school where we had classes (called workshops) in which we were taught cooking. It was there that I learned this recipe So easy garlic bread.

I remember that I used to prepare it at home when I helped my mother in the kitchen and everyone loved it, so today I decided to prepare it with my son. The truth is that it is not easy to cook with a two-year-old child, you have to have a lot of patience and have everything very controlled; I don't know if it's because it's growing (it's already 27 months old) or because this recipe really was much simpler than the others.

The first thing we should do, as always when we cook with children, is have all the necessary material prepared. In the hospitality school they taught me that this has a name: “mise en place". To have a good mise en place prepared, we must take into account all the ingredients we need for the recipe as well as the utensils.

Ingredients for making garlic bread

  • 1 loaf of bread of the day
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 4 sprigs of parsley
  • 20 gr of butter at room temperature

Necessary material

  • 1 chopping knife
  • 1 spatula or spreading knife
  • 1 wooden board
  • Oven (preheated to 190 ° C)
  • Foil

How to prepare garlic bread with children

  1. Chop the garlic. To do this we start by chamfering them with the help of a large knife pressing on the flat part with the help of the palm of the hand. We can use any other element that is flat for a child to do. Chop the garlic with the knife (we will make this part, the garlic is too small and there is a risk that the child will cut).

  2. We chop the parsley along with the garlic.

  3. We make a pasta with garlic, parsley and butter. We can let the children mix it with their hands (very clean, of course), they will enjoy the texture of the butter and the smell of garlic, let them experiment with it, if we have to prepare a little more for them to play, Let's do it! but foresee a space that can get dirty and does not run any risk of being smeared with a sticky paste.

  4. Once we have the butter paste, we make some cuts on the loaf of bread, as if we made some slices but without cutting them completely.

  5. We let the child spread the butter, garlic and parsley paste on the bread slices. Once they are all spread on both sides, we spread the butter on the outside of the bread.

  6. We wrap the bread with aluminum foil and we introduce it in the preheated oven at 180ºC.

  7. We leave in the oven for about 15 minutes or until we see that it has browned on the outside.

  8. Thanks to the foil, the bread will be moist. If you want to roast more, during the last 5 minutes we can take out the foil and let it brown in the oven.

Video: GARLIC DINNER ROLLS - SOFT FLUFFY DELICIOUS ! Garlic Bread Rolls Recipe (July 2024).