Does he behave badly? I may need more action

"It doesn't stop, it doesn't stop," many mothers say when they talk about their children. Children have more energy than the Duracell rabbit and often do not have enough opportunities during the day to spend it. Proof of this is that there are many parents who cannot keep up with their children, full of forces that serve them to know, explore and learn from their surroundings and from themselves where the limits of their environment are and where their own.

The problem is precisely that, that children have more energy than us and, if when we are with them they have not yet downloaded a good part of it, they are very likely to want to do so, at the risk of being branded as incorrigible or rude and that we tell them to be still, that is, we ask them to stop behaving badly when they are doing precisely what they need most.

At home I have proven it, the days that go to school and the days that we do little physical activities later in the afternoon have a surplus of energy such that at home they ride the marimorena. They jump on the couch, go up, down, run down the hall, chase each other, play to fight, chase me, cry because they have hit, cry because they have exceeded their games and then we remember our childhoods in the street and how we burned calories behind a ball, hiding in the portals and going up and down the slides.

But if the school leaves them ground!

Already, they told me, that my children would come home at the end of school and that they would fall asleep on the plate, like so many videos that run on the internet of children who are not able to eat dinner because they nod until they are rendered on the table . Well, in my case, at least, it's not like that. I don't know if they make them sit too long or have little free play time, but they leave school just as they enter. Well, I lie they come out with even more energy, because in the morning with that "I just woke up" they still go a little lethargic.

So they come loaded with life and with little chance of burning it because we do not live on the mountain, there are no long deserted roads, there is no pond with frogs or creek on which to build a bridge with logs. Here there are only gray asphalt and parks, those strange and artificial places where children go to theirs, they have to share the space in turns, where some follow some rules of coexistence and others follow the law of the strongest and where many parents we have to educate our own and others (as you see, I am not passionate).

More action, please

Physical activity is beneficial to health in many ways: weight control, increased bone mineral mass, fewer colds, increased overall strength, flexibility, etc. Children need to move, play, run and play sports because their bodies ask for it.

When they are of preschool age they have to exercise as much as they want, that is, the activity that arises from curiosity and exploration is considered sufficient, of the desire to know and learn, the one that the child asks and needs. If one day you have not been able to explore or investigate because we have had you involved with other things, it is possible that as soon as you can, as soon as you have a little freedom, look for an activity that helps you burn the energy that is left over.

Then, if we talk about older children, it is considered appropriate to exercise between half an hour and an hour a day, which does not have to be exercise in an organized sport, such as a football, tennis, hockey or basketball team, for example. If so, it is recommended that the child be at least six years old, go because he likes it and, above all, enjoy it.


Now the children do not live in the streets as we did. Now they leave school, where many spend the whole day and, or do some extracurricular such as English or music or maybe some sports, but they don't do every day, or they go straight home. In that case, when there is no extra-school or park or street, there is a surplus of energy, curiosity, desire to do something they need to spend, and of course, at home it can be little less than desperate.

If we see that the reason that our son "misbehaves" is that he has an uncontrollable desire to eat the world, we must then bear in mind that our duty as parents is allow action, if it is not at home, because it bothers, outside, looking for activities for him, going down to the park or doing activities in which to share time with them.

Video: Going Inside a Man's Mind With Steve Harvey (July 2024).