Plan for a rainy Saturday: find the pirate's treasure at home

There are days when it is virtually impossible to make plans away from home. Rain, wind, cold, children a bit cold ... but that does not mean we can not organize some fun home activity for everyone.

It is curious how most children are fascinated by pirates. Instead of fearing them, they usually emulate and imitate their language, their gestures and imagine themselves living their adventures. Faced with such devotion How about we organize an adventure at home in the form of a pirate treasure hunt?

An adventure that, in addition to fun, teach kids to work as a team for a common goal, which will reinforce your social level learning. further this game boosts logical reasoning, because to achieve the prize they need to solve some riddles and by doing so together they will learn that there are different perspectives when facing an obstacle.

The ideal is to have a few minutes before starting the activity with the children, to plan the perfect hiding place, design a map and organize the search guidelines. If you do not have time, you can also do without some elements and improvise on the fly, but the ideal is that the activity is designed in advance.

You will need black cardboard Y rubber bands for patches, handkerchiefs to tie the head, black face paint and the cartons that remain at the end of the kitchen rolls to make the spyglass. The treasure has to be something attractive to children, although you can also use the Chocolate coins of golden wrap, which simulate gold doubloons.

The first step is hide the treasure in an unpredictable but safe place for the children Discard attics, balconies or places of risk and clearly delimits the search area so that there is no setback.

Encrypted or incomplete map

The map can be done as a puzzle and that the resolution of this puzzle leads directly to the treasure or through chained tracks, which to me particularly seems more successful for kids. This means that in addition to hiding the treasure, you also have to hide the clues, so that the resolution of one takes you to the next and so on until you reach the final prize.

Once the previous work is done, the joint activity. Each child must, with the help of an adult, shape their pirate patch, decorate their spyglass with paints and gomets and after helping to tie the scarf to their heads and paint a scar or mustache on their face, the game can begin.

He approach to the clues has to be clearly understandable by a young child and if you do it with rhyme or with a language with pirate winks it is even more fun. The important in this game it is not so much to reach the treasure, as that the participants collaborate deciphering the clues and getting the final prize together, without rivalries.

A plan that can be made with several children, although I confess that I have also done it with the child's grandparents, who have lent themselves to everything, including characterization and it is very fun in any age or context.

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