When to start exercising during pregnancy?

A few days ago we told you what are the most appropriate exercises during pregnancy, and today we want to know what is the right time to start exercising during pregnancy, since this practice is so beneficial for the future mom and baby.

The first thing that we have to point out is that the answer to our question will depend on each woman, so it will always be better to consult the gynecologist about the possibility of starting or continuing the practice of exercise.

The main reason is that the first trimester of pregnancy is the most delicate and when there is a greater risk that there is a complication or abortion, so when we confirm the news of pregnancy it is convenient to review what is our custom regarding physical activity.

If we were accustomed to a strong sport rhythm, we must reduce it or even stop it at the moment if we have any indication that there is a risk for pregnancy. Y consult the gynecologist as soon as possible. If our exercise practice was gentle, and these are appropriate exercises during pregnancy, we can continue at the same pace as long as we do not notice difficulties.

The least recommended is to start a new activity that the body is not accustomed to, as it could have a negative impact on our state.

As you can see, these are questions of logic that make us look at the conditions and particularities of each woman, always seeking the safety of pregnancy. And to confirm the safety nothing better than the visit to the specialist.

When to start exercising during pregnancy?

When the doctor confirms that there is no contraindication To exercise, we can start it, following certain recommendations that will depend on our physical state and how accustomed we are to physical activity.

If we do not usually exercise, we must start gradually during the first trimester and at low effort levels to gradually increase the intensity of the exercise. As we have said, it is not recommended to start any new activity during the first quarter. We must always be aware that the exercise does not cause us pain, feeling of "shortness of breath" or excessive tiredness.

Remember that exercising or performing a physical activity is to practice any body movement produced by skeletal muscles, with the consequent energy consumption, and that is practiced on a regular basis.

It can be a sport (but we don't talk about high competition, which is discouraged) or walk, do yoga, swim ... at a moderate pace, and these activities can be done from the beginning of pregnancy.

If we are accustomed to a strong rhythm of exercise, it is convenient to reduce it (surely the body will ask for moderation) and of course we can not practice risk sports (skiing, climbing ...) or excessive impact (spinning, triathlon ...).

And when to stop exercising during pregnancy?

If the pregnancy continues without difficulties, the second trimester remains a perfect stage for the practice of exercise, when the body weight of the future mother has not yet increased too much.

In the third trimester, when the pregnancy is advanced, we will surely have reduce the pace of exercise, but in return we can start or intensify the childbirth preparation exercises. Some exercises are less recommended at this stage, such as cycling, because of the loss of balance that the large volume of the belly can lead to.

And, until the last moment before the baby is born, walking at a good pace is the best option, safe and favorable for the arrival of the birth in a natural way once we have reached 38 weeks. In the final stretch of pregnancy, it facilitates labor due to pelvic swaying that occurs during the walk, when the cervical eradication occurs in the first phase of labor, early or latent dilation.

Another issue is that we have to interrupt the exercise because there is some difficulty or risk for pregnancy and send us rest.

We will stop exercising and go to the doctor if we have any of the following symptoms: vaginal bleeding, difficulty or effort to breathe, dizziness, headache, chest discomfort, muscle weakness, pain or swelling in the calves, contractions, reduction in the movement of the fetus, blurred vision or loss of fluid through the vagina.

Definitely, from the first moment if there is no risk for pregnancy we can practice gentle and adequate exercises For this stage. It is important to confirm with the doctor that the exercise we practice is not harmful or that he advises us what would be best if we are not accustomed to any physical activity.

Photos | martinak15 and sazztasticasl on Flickr-CC
In Babies and more | Exercise in pregnancy: good for the mother, good for the baby, Head exercises during pregnancy, Exercise in pregnancy: general recommendations (I) and (II)