They recommend making love every day to achieve pregnancy

While there is a belief that sexual abstinence favors fertility, as if the sperm will gain strength, if you are looking for a baby you should know that experts they recommend making love every day to achieve pregnancy.

Although frequent sexual intercourse reduces the number of sperm, they increase their quality by being less exposed to harmful agents, and therefore also increase the chances of pregnancy.

The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends that to increase the chances of having a child, the optimal withdrawal time is between 2 and 7 days, but more and more studies are supporting daily sexual relations, since frequent ejaculations increase semen quality and fertility by reducing damage and mutations in your DNA.

A study presented to the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology conducted with 118 men with fertility problems, found that after ejaculating every day for a week, the DNA fragmentation index, one of the parameters that damage semen, was reduced between 26 and 34 percent.

This happens because sperm are exposed for less time in the testicles to potentially harmful molecules, called reactive oxygen species such as oxygen ions, peroxides and free radicals.

However, specialists also warn that daily ejaculations for more than a week can reduce the number of sperm too much. Therefore, to achieve pregnancy, it is recommended make love every day during the period of maximum fertility of women.

Of course, to get pregnant it is necessary to recognize the fertile days of women. If they remain sexual intercourse on a daily basis as of day 13 of the cycle (for regular cycles of 28-30 days) it is favored that fertilization occurs.