Warm costumes not to be cold at Carnival

Although warm Carnivals are going through the southern hemisphere, it is very cold in these parts, so we have set out to look for warm costumes so that children do not go cold. We don't want the party to end up with a cold, so you have to protect yourself.

There are different costumes suitable for this era on the market, but we propose to give you ideas that you can also prepare at home. Animal costumes are best suited for shelter: a bear, a lion, an elephant, a rabbit ...

The costumes can be made with thick fabrics of the corresponding colors (brown, gray, black ...), adding a belly and a tail, next to the animal mask that we can print at home.

If we can't make them with cloth, there are "sack" type plastic bags, wide, of different colors, that we can take advantage of so that, with holes for the neck and the sleeves, the children go well sheltered below. To the plastic we can also add belly and tail, stapled or glued.

Here we leave some models of warm costumes for babies, and here many other animals, surely you can get ideas.

In addition to animals, gangster costumes (with a good coat, hat and dark glasses), snowman or some scary Halloween characters can also be taken advantage of at this time of year. Only if the party is at home or we do not have to walk much on the street can we choose other cooler costumes.

But you see that there is a lot to choose from. A good makeup, a hat, a headband, a mask or a mask will be the perfect accessories for these Warm costumes for Carnival. Do you already have yours?

Photos | andrewmalone and andrewmalone on Flickr In Babies and more | Costumes for babies and children

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