Happy Darwin Day

As it turns out, such a day as today, in 1809, a man came to the world who would change the way we see ourselves, think about ourselves and, above all, dare to rethink everything that was previously taken for granted: Charles Darwin. And as I said yesterday that I like the original parties, we will celebrate tonight Darwin's Day.

I propose to take advantage of this evening to talk about him with your children, explain to them how brave he dared to challenge official ideas and the original way of analyzing empirical data to develop a theory. The science, the rational method and much of what surrounds us today we owe it to that young adventurer of the Beagle.

At Darwin's Day We celebrate that we are primates, and that explains a lot about who we are and our place on Earth. And now we know that we must explore and investigate to continue knowing new things about the origin of life on Earth and perhaps in the Universe.

Among the things you can finish off with darwin birthday party (Of course, there may be cake or blow out the candles in an ice cream or a cupcake in his honor), watching a documentary about his travels and even with a monkey costume, which after all very close cousins, more than Our grandparents are.

You can make a mural, too, with a calendar of the history of life or a tree of terrestrial living beings, which will teach children to value who we really are. Or set a stage with the Lego or other toys that serve to represent their story. Happy Darwin Day!

Video: Happy Darwin Day! (May 2024).