Chickenpox in children: everything you need to know

The chickenpox It is that disease that sounds to many of us as very distant, because most of us had it when we were little, that suddenly comes back to the forefront and becomes everyday again when we have children.

At that time we are again concerned about her and the children who have her, at the risk of our children becoming infected with her. It is a relatively benign disease, although sometimes it can get complicated. As many people have doubts about the disease and treatment, despite being a known disease (requete), we are going to offer you this entry today with everything there is to know about chickenpox.

What is chickenpox

The chickenpox It is a disease caused by a virus called varicella-zoster, very common in childhood, well known for being the cause of plague the skin of our children lesions in the form of small blisters or vesicles.

The frequency of complications is not high, but neither can it be said to be minimal, as they can appear in up to 15% of cases (1.5 children out of 10, to make it more visible).

As many of you will know, most of the people affected are children. In fact, near the 87% of infections occur in children under 15 years old, which is already, within the bad, the desirable, because the older a person is, the greater the complications that may arise from the disease.

To avoid this, in fact, most countries have included the vaccine in the vaccination calendar at age 12. If by that time a child has not passed chickenpox, he will be vaccinated to prevent him from becoming an adult (more dangerous if he is also a woman, because of the risk of contracting the disease while pregnant).

What are the symptoms of chicken pox?

The disease begins with an incubation period that goes from 10 to 21 days, the average being 14 days. During these days the child may show discomfort and a little fever (signs that do not give clues to anything concrete). After the incubation stage, the rash appears, with numerous lesions (between 250 and 500) of small size.

The lesions appear on the face and trunk, being flat at the beginning. Then they appear in more areas of the body (typical also in oral and genital mucosa) and cease to be flat to become those mentioned vesicles or blisters. These blisters dry after a few days, leaving a scab.

The rash itches a lot and you usually have to try to relieve itching both for comfort and to avoid possible skin infections. Once the rash appears, fever, malaise, headache and loss of appetite may occur.

Is it very contagious?

The chickenpox It is very contagious, there are parents who sometimes cannot explain or how their child has been infected, for not remembering any contact with children or adults with chickenpox, for example. It is transmitted through the air thanks to the respiratory micro-drops that we expel when we speak, cough or sneeze. In addition, it is spread by contact with skin lesions.

When does it start to be contagious and when does it stop being contagious?

A child begins to be potential "contagious"of chickenpox when one or two days remain before skin lesions appear (difficult to know, of course) and stop infecting when all lesions are scab, that is, when there is none left in the form of a blister with liquid.

What are the possible complications of chickenpox?

The most frequent complications are bacterial superinfections of the lesions, which can affect both externally and internally, muscles and lungs. The same virus can also cause diseases such as varicella pneumonia, encephalitis (severe infection of the central nervous system) or cerebral infarctions.

Another possible complication, which usually occurs over the years, is the reactivation of the virus that can cause Herpes zoster. It is more common in adults, but it can also happen to children and adults.

Can I bathe the child if he has chickenpox?

You cannot, you must. A Daily bath with a soft gel, since in addition to cooling the skin, the risk of bacterial infection of the lesions is reduced.

What do I do if it itches a lot?

It is recommended to use calamine lotion with the lesions. If this fails to relieve itching, it is recommended to give an antihistamine syrup.

What if he has a fever?

If the child has a fever and needs an antithermal, the most suitable is the Paracetamol. Aspirin is contraindicated and ibuprofen is often discouraged because there are some studies that associate it with the appearance of other complications (although more recent studies seem to show that there is no danger).

Can antivirals or antibiotics be used?

Yes, they can be used, but they are usually only indicated in the case of young children and perhaps in adolescents. Its effectiveness is not entirely clear when it comes to reducing symptoms, so we must assess the use of these medications. Antibiotics are meaningless (since chickenpox is a virus and not a bacterium) unless there is an infection of the lesions.

Is it recommended to vaccinate children with chickenpox?

Yes, it is recommended, for prevent children from contracting the disease. The current schedule consists of two vaccines administered between 12 and 15 months, the first being the second recommended at two months. In my area it is administered at 12 and 18 months, although there are parents who prefer to fully immunize as soon as possible and put it at 12 and 14 months.

As I said, if at the age of 12 a child has not had chickenpox, the state covers vaccination with both doses.

Video: Chicken Pox - Protecting Your Child. Keeping Kids Healthy (May 2024).