Giving birth in the middle of nature

The first time I saw a birth was about fifteen years ago, studying Socorrismo, and was watching a video that already had to be 15 or 20 years old of a woman giving birth in a room, lying down and being a passive subject in the scene. I felt for a privileged time to have been able to access that video, since then there were not many ways to see a baby being born.

Now things have changed a lot because there are many women who the videos of their deliveries hang on the internet and now the way of giving birth has changed a lot, because in addition to seeing women giving birth in their homes it is possible to see births as unusual as the one I bring you today, from a woman giving birth in the middle of nature.

Without a doubt, seeing a woman give birth on her own, today, is a relatively strange thing to see, since there are no devices, cables or professionals with gowns controlling anything. If you add a river, vegetation, stones and your family around like a stage to this, surely the scene becomes even more unusual.

As she explains this woman is her fourth birth and it is about event that has transformed his life the most and the most conscious act that as a woman she has ever performed. A moment so revealing that he felt as if his whole life had been preparing for this moment. An act so pacifying that the feeling he gave him has changed him with respect to his family, his relationships and his entire life.

I am not a woman (how obvious) and I can never live anything like that, so from my position as a man who will never give birth I see this moment as magical in a way (let's not forget that we come from there, from contact with nature), but also strange, as too extreme. Maybe I feel this way about getting out of the ordinary, maybe because I think that childbirth is a sexual act, and seeing people around playing and doing other things as if nothing happened there really shocks me and maybe because I am one of those who think that nature She is wise, but she is wrong many times, and that is why I do not trust her (or perhaps because I am very bland and not very daring).

Video | YouTube On Babies and more | Video: a natural birth in the jungle, Birth videos: Video of a non-operated delivery in the hands / knees position, Nice video of a water birth