"How to be a first-time father and not die trying", a book by Frank Blanco full of humor (not loaded)

Increasingly, those who embark on the adventure of writing a book, and this time it is the turn of Frank Blanco, radio host and TV host with "How to be a first-time father and not die trying", an entertainment (more than a guide) for future dads and recent dads.

The book, which has the subtitle of "Anecdotes, tricks and tips for those who are released as parents" offers us just that. I have read the first two chapters, and they are written in a colloquial style, explaining his experiences as a first-time father with humor and from time to time he gives us his advice ("Blanconsejos") on each subject.

In my opinion, there are too many television references and the popular culture of our day, some of political dye, references with a clear expiration date and that will not be liked by all readers.

To me they seem too tired and colloquial, for example the successive joke-like comparisons (some of doubtful taste, read "the matter was more confirmed than the alopecia of Kiko Rivera"), especially since the text is plagued by them, and It becomes a kind of monologue that wants to look for laughter at every moment, without getting it. The "overflowing with humor" becomes a bit of a burden.

Nor have I liked too many topics of the type "your girl must let her do what she wants to prepare the arrival of the baby, she decides" or the issue of hormonal changes in pregnancy and the transformation of women into a "gremlin".

Anyway, I leave you with the presentation of the book to see what you think:

You and your girl are sitting on the couch and not just to see Big Brother. You are going to become a predictor. It's amazing to think that your future depends on a droplet of pee, right? If the test is positive and you are pregnant, how will you react? What will you do from now on? How will you live the phases before the baby arrives? Are you starting to hyperventilate and you don't know anything about the preparatory classes? Do you feel terrified and don't you dare to say it? Keep calm and enjoy the moment. You're going to be a first-time father like Darth Vader or your father was. May the force be with you on this trip, in all likelihood the best of your life.

In short, we cannot expect from this book a guide for parents but a very personal humorous manual and with references too close to our today and now. Undoubtedly, the book could have won a lot without that continuous concession, I imagine the radio or television followers of the author.

Here you can read the prologue and the first two chapters (Houston, we have a predictor; The metamorphosis. Now you go and the kafkas). The book "How to be a first-time father and not die trying", by Frank Blanco, costs 17 euros (9'99 euros in ebook) and is published by Aguilar.

Official Site | Aguilar Books On Babies and more | DVD "Welcome to life", instruction manual for first-time parents, "Dad, the child is also yours": funny manual for first-time parents, Comic: "Guide for desperately inexperienced parents"

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