Urgent and effective measures are needed in the prevention and control of diabetes in Spain according to the FEDE

The Federation of Spanish Diabetics (FEDE) warns that it is necessary to have prepared health professionals and training programs to prevent, stop and control diabetes. And is that In the last two decades the number of children with diabetes in Spain has increased considerably. The source of the information is the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) and the Pediatric Endocrinology Society (SEEP).

In Spain there are more than five million people with diabetes, although two million of them are unaware that they suffer from the disease. In addition, it is a condition that increasingly affects children and, according to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics and the Society of Pediatric Endocrinology, 1,000 children are diagnosed with the disease every year. In fact, in recent years there have been double cases of children with diabetes, which already reach 10,000 and are controlled in pediatric endocrinology units.

There is also a direct relationship between the increase in cases of diabetes in the child population and the increase in cases of obesity Among this population sector, also due, in part, to the fact that there is an increasing rate of sedentary lifestyle, too many calories are consumed and few fruits and vegetables are consumed.

So urgent and effective measures are needed in the prevention and control of the disease and its complications and all the agents involved are required: public administrations, medical professionals, nurses, nutritionists, psychologists, family members and patients to work together.

First, you have to train health personnel It must clearly explain to the patient the severity and consequences of diabetes if not taken care of and properly controlled. He has to adapt the language to each person with diabetes, so that he understands the pathology, can be autonomous in its management and, with it, adhere to the treatment.

It is important that the patient assume the disease without fearing the chronic word and you have to bet on specific training programs: psychological help to accept pathology, innovative therapies, assist the endocrine, etc.

Patients and their families must also make responsible use of the services of the National Health System and of the sanitary material for the control of your diabetes. You have to ask all those questions about the pathology or treatment, and attend the therapies that your medical team deems appropriate. It is a reality that the integration of diabetes education and psychological assistance to both patients and family members has diminished the impact of this disease, has helped to assume it and be more proactive with treatments, which encourages adherence to them and favors that You can lead a life as normal as possible. In this sense it is necessary to inform and try to prevent the pathology, betting on specific and individualized training.

FEDE is an entity declared of public utility and is the representative body of the diabetic group in Spain that exceeds 5,000,000 people. FEDE has as partners the 18 regional federations of people with diabetes, which comprise 168 associations of Spanish diabetics and are distributed throughout the national territory.

Video: Raw Food Diet Documentary - part 1 of 2 (June 2024).