Week 19 of pregnancy: your baby has started to grow hair

We continue advancing in our Special Pregnancy week by week and we arrive at the Week 19 of pregnancy, already with the belly quite evident and enjoying the first movements of the baby.

The development of your baby continues its march at an accelerated pace, you can already communicate with him through voice, music and caresses. We will see the changes that occur in the baby in the 19th week of pregnancy and those that occur in the mother.

Changes in the baby in the 19th week of pregnancy

In the week 19 of pregnancy (17 weeks from conception) the baby measures about 15 cm and weighs about 250 grams.

His head, arms and legs are already sized with the rest of the body and hair has begun to grow in the head. The ears and eyes are almost in their final position.

It's amazing, but if you're expecting a girl, her little ovaries that won't be bigger than a button already contain primitive eggs that will give rise to the ovules.

The baby's senses continue to develop rapidly. The sense of hearing is already developed so that you can hear through the amniotic fluid the sounds that your body produces like that of the stomach when digesting food, the beating of your heart and of course, your voice, which already distinguishes from that of others.

You can talk to him, play music and communicate with the baby through caresses. Sound vibrations reach the fetus through the walls of the uterus causing pleasant sensations, activating neurons and increasing heart rate.

He also begins to swallow ammonic fluid practicing the sense of taste. Its skeleton, which until now was cartilaginous, begins to solidify and its body begins to cover itself with vernix caseosa, a whitish-grayish-colored oily substance that protects the baby's skin from the irritating effects of amniotic fluid and dehydration preventing it from crack.

Changes in the mother in the 19th week of pregnancy

The uterus continues to grow and this week your belly is already evident. You will begin to notice that certain areas of your body darken, such as the nipples and a line that appears between the navel and the pubis called the alba line.

In the face of summer it is advisable to protect your skin from the sun with a high protection factor, since the effect of hormones can make spots appear on the face and the sun, by stimulating the production of melanin, will make them darken .

The inconveniences of the first trimester should already have been left behind at this point, although there are women who still experience some. Nausea, for example, is the most annoying and can last longer than expected.

With respect to the movements of the baby inside the gut, if until now you had only noticed a sensation of agitation in the lower abdomen, now it becomes the certainty that the baby moves inside you.

If it is not your first pregnancy, the baby's movements begin to feel sooner. If in the first pregnancy it occurs approximately between week 18 and 22, in the second it occurs between week 16 and 20. Anyway, each woman is a world and depends a lot on the muscle tone of the walls of the uterus and the abdominal walls of each.

You may not have gained much weight so far, but as of now an increase of 200/300 grams per week is calculated.

Next week: Week 20 of pregnancy

Photos | Ben Klocek on Flickr