Week 20 of pregnancy: morphological ultrasound, a tranquility

Continuing with our progress in Pregnancy week by week we reach a key week: the 20th week of pregnancy. It is a very important week because it marks exactly half of your pregnancy, the equator of your baby's pregnancy.

Your tripita is already noticeable, you can feel the movements of the baby inside you and you begin to transit the fifth month, called the sweetest stage of pregnancy. The inconvenience has been left behind and you feel full of energy.

Changes in the baby in the 20th week of pregnancy

In the 20th week of pregnancy (18 from fertilization) the baby measures 16 centimeters and about 350 grams.

His lungs begin to practice the exercise of breathing and his digestive system does the same by swallowing amniotic fluid. Your brain rapidly develops areas destined for the senses, and already has 30,000 million neurons.

Fat begins to accumulate under your skin, which will help you to regulate your body temperature, while the surface of your skin is covered with hair, which will fall after birth.

Until now, the baby's size was measured from the head to the tailbone since the legs were very close to his body, but as of now, measurements are made from the crown to the feet. Thus, at 20 weeks the baby measures between 22 and 25 centimeters.

It already has all its organs formed, but still immature, and the ratio between its members, head and body is similar to what it will have at birth.

It only remains to continue enjoying the most pleasant and safe place there may be, mom's belly, and keep growing. From now on, during the second half of pregnancy the baby will increase 10 times its weight and double its size.

Changes in the mother in the 20th week of pregnancy

For the mother it is also an important week. The fears and discomforts typical of the first half of pregnancy have been left behind and now she feels full of energy and desire to prepare for the arrival of the baby.

Do not be surprised that you are given to turn the house upside down. That is called nest syndrome or nest instinct and it is completely normal for you to happen. It is an instinctive need to put everything in order before the birth of your baby.

Surely, you will be anxious about the ultrasound of the 20th week that will be done this week. If you still do not know the sex of your baby, it is almost certain that the ultrasound will confirm it.

Ultrasound of the 20th week of pregnancy

Around the 20th week of pregnancy a high resolution ultrasound called morphological ultrasound, of great importance in prenatal control. The specialist in performing it thoroughly analyzes the baby's organs to detect possible malformations, although not with 100% reliability.

Measurements of the main bones such as skull, femur, as well as abdominal circumference are made, they check the functioning of the heart, the morphology of the brain and the activity of the baby inside the uterus.

The amniotic fluid, the functioning of the placenta and the umbilical cord are also checked.

As we said before, as long as the position of the baby allows, and their sexual organs are formed to distinguish if you expect a boy or a girl.

You are living a precious moment, so enjoy the 20th week of pregnancy. You have the same time you have traveled until today to finally have your baby in your arms.

Next week: pregnancy week 21

Photos | Big D2112 and Ambernectar 13 on Flickr