We want our children to experience but without spotting

According to a recent study "KH-7 Children and Experimentation", 98% of respondents stated that they are in favor of letting their children experience, but at the moment of truth, on a scale of 1 to 10 on permissiveness versus experimentation, mothers get 6.4 and fathers 5.9

It seems that we are clear that experimentation is something basic in the development of our children, and we want our children to experience, but without staining.

Experimentation in the development and evolution process

We have reached where we have come simply and simply because of our capacity for learning developed over generations through the trial and error method. Until the arrival of modern science, there was only one way to know what something was or if, for example, a plant was edible or not, and was experiencing it yourself. Yes, it seems that at that time being "inventor" or "scientist" was a high-risk profession. But despite the mishaps that our ancestors took away, it is clear that in the end we survived earning the right to walk on the surface of this planet.

Experimentation in children

How many times have we heard that "is that it is an unconscious", everything is taken to the mouth, everything has to touch, etc. And that is how it should be, I would be very angry if my children were not curious about what is around them, why a baby does not want to touch, bite or suck. We have been using the same learning method for thousands of years. It is worth noting that certain knowledge will remain in the genes and will be passed on to the next generation, especially issues related to the law of gravity and those of heat transmission from flame to finger. But it is what it is and with that hand we have to play.


In the previous study, we also found that 70% of parents do not allow their child to experiment without the company of an adult. I recognize that I am there, in fact I must walk the first. But come on, I leave you alone with the finger paint cans for 15 minutes and when I return I have the room like Picasso's studio and they have more paint on them than a ceremony Batusi.

Should they get dirty?

I don't know the others, but with my children it happens that in a moment they are calling you because they have soiled a nail and they want you to clean them, as they have filled the body with lipstick (in the best case) or permanent marker and It doesn't matter to them. But in general, if there is something they love, it is to experiment with anything, and it doesn't matter if that makes it dirty or not. I guess the concept "dirty / clean" is something that we only acquire with the age of majority. I must admit that many times I do not let them go to their free will because of the stains with which they will end and the face that their mother will put on when she arrives and finds two pygmies in the middle of the room.


In the case of paints and derivatives, either I undress them or wear old clothes that we have exprofeso for those situations so pointed out. I also extend an old sheet in the area where they will develop "their art", although they always end up finding a way to paint in the only area of ​​the room that is not protected. I try to leave the area free of dangerous elements that can interact with the game, for example knives or glass containers if they cook. Move the sofas away from the paint area, place containers that do not tip over easily, and above all put a large dose of patience and "we'll clean it up later". But I recognize that it is very fun to see them put their hands up to the wrist in the boats and have no qualms about cleaning their hands on their bodies when they want to change color, or that when they have their hands full of paint they get an irresistible itch in nose. I know I shouldn't take pictures of those situations, but they are so funny ...

Do we change the statistics or we will continue to let our children experience without getting stained?