Against heat stroke: basic care and a good diet

Heat stroke is a problem as feared as it is common among children, as it is children who have an organism that is still immature to regulate body temperature efficiently. However, we can fight effectively against heat stroke and avoid their presence with the help of some basic care and good diet.

Given the inability to eliminate excess heat in the body, the dreaded may be caused heatstroke, which manifests with elevated body temperature, dry or reddened skin, and there may also be fainting or seizures in the affected children.

As we can see, it is not a minor problem, but it can be very serious for the children's organism. Therefore, we must take measures to prevent this or other possible consequences of excessive heat.

Basic care against heat stroke

The first thing we should know is that children under 4 years of age should not be exposed to the sun directly, nor for too long, therefore, it is important to protect them from high temperatures, ensuring their stay in fresh and ventilated spaces or environments. If we are outdoors, we will choose a place in the shade to play.

Also, we must protect your body from excess heat by placing them light and light clothes that allows the release of heat and that does not raise body temperature.

It is also important to avoid the ambient temperature in the hours of greatest sunlight, that is, avoid exposing them outdoors between 12 and 16 hours.

If the child is very active, we should try that the activities they do do not involve too much physical effort, which can make thermoregulation difficult and favor the elevation of body temperature.

One last basic care that can help us prevent heat stroke is bathe or wet children often, in order to refresh them and lower your body temperature.

Diet against heat stroke

With a good diet we can also fight efficiently against heat stroke and prevent its development.

The first thing that we must take care to favor the regulation of body temperature in children is hydration, so we must offer the chest on demand to babies and frequently offer liquids Cool to the children.

We must also avoid hearty and hot meals and prioritize the consumption of fresh and moisturizing foods, such as fruits or vegetables, milkshakes or refrigerated dairy products.

So that the body temperature does not rise sharply it is essential that children are not dehydrated, and for this, they should not become thirsty, that is, they should drink even when they do not feel the need to do so.

To encourage the consumption of liquids, it is better to offer them to cool temperature and also, of various flavors, that is, at greater beverage diversity and in the presence of a taste, the higher the consumption among children.

You know, with some basic care and a good diet where freshness and hydration predominate, you will have effective weapons to fight against heat stroke and take care of children's health this summer.