New aid in Germany: nursery up to three years or money for parents

Tucked in as we are in the midst of the global economic crisis and seeing cuts that are leaving us with our asses in the air and that are making the level of child poverty increasingly high, it is surprising to see that in other countries they take families and children into account children.

In Germany they have decided that, since this week, Parents of children under three can apply for a nursery or, if they prefer to stay with the child at home, receive a monthly help of 100 euros.

Controversy for giving money in exchange for staying at home

Interestingly, the controversy comes as a result of the second decision. The government intended to make a large investment in nurseries to offer a place to all children under 3 years. Given that some parents were going to prefer not to use this right and educate their children at home until at that age, they decided that something had to be done for these families, that they might feel discriminated against, and resolved to offer the aforementioned financial aid.

Opponents, on the other hand, believe that it is excessive and have already baptized it as the "stove cousin" since they consider it a way to encourage mothers to stay at home, as our mothers and grandmothers did traditionally, going against the integration of women into working life. They add that this money should go to expand the nursery network and hire more staff.

The reality, so far (and since Thursday, which is when the processing of these grants began) is that very few families have requested the money, because apparently the majority of the population is most in need of a place of kindergarten.

The "stove cousin"?

I will tell Miriam, my wife, what to see what milks he has made at home for so many years with the three children, if it turns out that many times I have had to make the food. He stays at home, to be with the stove, and I find that in the end I have to take care of the food and many other things.

It is clear that there are retrograde everywhere, even in Germany, where they consider that a woman (or man, who may also be) who does not work in the early years of her son's childhood stays at home to cook and have the house clean why, total, the child is raised alone.

Perhaps it should be explained to these politicians that the most logical and advisable thing is that the child is with his parents until 3 or 4 years old, that is when a child begins to socialize with other people and that, in fact, by then, it is not even recommended that there is a separation, but that the child interact with other children in the presence of the parents.

Maybe we should explain that 100 euros do not even joke what a nursery place costs and that parents who perceive it will be discriminated equally.

And perhaps we must explain that being with children and giving them an emotional education in their early years is something that can never be paid with any money, first because there is no nursery in the world that has a single caregiver for a single child, second, because it turns out that that caregiver is the mother, and the child does not suffer or have to do any third and third period of adaptation, because taking care of a child Child is not being lying on the couch getting up just to light the stove, but something much more intense, valuable and at the same time tired and exhausting.

Do you remember, political gentlemen, how you tremble when summer approaches, when your children will spend the day at home with you? Well multiply that feeling for 365 days ... surprise that there are those who do it with pleasure, right? Yes, it is hard sometimes, but they do it for the sake of their children because, interestingly, it is the most logical for its evolution and its development.

Because, let's see, Do we work to live or do we live to work?

Meanwhile, in Spain ...

Meanwhile, in our land, they don't give us financial help for having children, no nursery places, or anything at all. Politicians go out to speak on August 1, when people are starting their vacations or packing their bags and, as if that were not enough, we began to see them more as "The Comedy Club" than as serious people.

End of quote, or end of entry.