'Not even a mother can stop the movement of a child without restraint in the car'

'Newton's first law: if no force acts on a body, it tends to maintain its state of rest or movement.' By 'force' we mean the subjection of the (or) child restraint system; by state of motion, the displacement that causes an impact.

The message released by this DGT video is clear: 'If you don't buckle your child's SRI, it's as if he didn't carry it.' Why at 50 kilometers per hour, the body reaches a speed comparable to a fall from a third floor.

They are not worth: 'total is a short journey', 'but if I go carefully, besides at this time there is no traffic!'

Accidents are the first cause of death of minors, and in terms of traffic, we saw last year that four out of ten deceased children did not use any protection system.

In this section of the DGT we find all the information and recommendations we need to choose / use restraint systems, thus protecting our children.

I was struck that four to 10 years the most frequent injuries are internal or those that cause abdominal bleeding, because the organs are not yet well subject to muscle structure.

And on the other hand they remind us of the golden rules, among which I highlight (there are many more, so take some time to read it, because it will not take much time, and you will gain peace of mind) which should never be carried in arms instead of a protection system, that the head should not exceed the headrest of the chair, or that the guard is not lowered even on short journeys.