This is what parents can do to keep our children interested in reading.

That reading benefits children in their school performance we know, and also that although reading can be a very pleasant activity for children and adults, we cannot force anyone to like it because it would develop aversion to this healthy hobby.

It seems that when the habit is consolidated it is easier, and yet there is an age at which many children they seem to lose interest because of what might be called the 'social awakening', and the need to spend more time with their peers; the availability of the many technological devices to which we have access today does not help much. That age can be around 10 years, and this is a post to guide parents interested in their children continue reading, can you get it ?, Yes, but things will not be like when they were younger. In the first place, they may reject the reading aloud by the parents (it happens to my son), although when there are little siblings, we can use a trick that is to read the minors in the presence of others, because although they do not recognize, they will pay attention to the narrative thread, and they will also enjoy the voice of dad or mom.

In second place already they have become very selective in their preferencesThis usually happens when they are read since they are babies, and especially when they are allowed access (from approximately seven years old) to different literary genres for children. In this case, maintaining closeness to reading is simple if we consider providing only books that deal with your favorite topics (I talk about recreational reading, because I already imagine that not everything they propose in school like them).

Third, at these ages they no longer use computers and consoles experimentally, but more consciously, selecting the contents well and enjoying sharing with your friends. Parents have to find a balance that allows us to accept that books and technological devices can live together, but for this we must be able to guide.

In other words, do not fall into the error of thinking that the screen will prevent you from reading: it will do so if we do not supervise, if we do not propose readings, if we do not care what you see, or if we do not ask if you still like comics, but this situation would be harmful not only for reading, we already know

Revealing the secrets so that your son still likes books

  • From 9/10 years old don't choose the readings for him: This means allowing you to choose subject, and also to prefer books for slightly older children. Last week a librarian insisted that I review the reading tips for children my son's age, I just didn't accept that with nine and a half years he would like terror (also a few other subjects), this is a mistake because inhibits the relationship with the literature.
I have to make a subsection, to clarify that the father or mother should prohibit a book with clearly inappropriate content for their child, but this usually does not happen unless we talk about readings for young people or adults
  • Mom or dad: you must remain a model for them. You know: 'if you read, they will too.'

  • Separate home readings from school: If you see that at school you are already asked to make a summary of the chapter, or that you have to prepare a presentation about the last book read, do not overwhelm him ... let him read in his spare time without forcing you to ask him what that book is so cool they left you.

  • Renew the family library: Save books for young children, expand the number of knowledge volumes, and reference books, and include some comics or 'daily' type books with which you can feel identified.

  • Although they do not want to accompany you so regularly to the Library, you can continue to change our readings and choose some of your favorites; but whenever possible it is convenient to look for moments to visit it together, and (important) to give them time for them to walk through aisles and check shelves.

  • It is important reserve a time for reading every day in which - although we are not going to force them - they will not be allowed to play with the computer or watch TV. Any time is valid, but many appreciate having a few minutes before bed to relax in a space (the room) in which the presence of books is highlighted.

  • In your questions, in your comments ... are your preferences and topics of interest. Listening to children is important, also for many other reasons.

And by if you need guidance for you and them to select their readings, we can retrieve this entry on the books that preteen children prefer, and this one with tips as practical as valuable.

Video: How To Make YOUR Child Smart-Genius Kids2-7 Year Olds Proof-Phonics Reading To Raise A Smarter Kid (May 2024).