Breasts care after childbirth

One of the issues that worries many women after pregnancy is the appearance of their breasts. Breast changes during pregnancy and lactation require special care, and we will talk about it in our Special Postpartum Beauty.

During pregnancy the tonicity of the skin suffers a lot, so after birth the skin needs special care, also the area of ​​the breasts. Stretch marks or enlargement are the most frequent problems that may have arisen during pregnancy.

And it is that there are few changes of the breasts during pregnancy, which will cause them to not return to be as before, but they can be beautiful and we can take care of them for it. Cosmetics, a good support and exercise will be our allies.

Stretch marks on the breasts after pregnancy

Although it is difficult to make stretch marks disappear, they can be mitigated and, above all, prevented. Stretch marks arise because the elastic fibers of the skin tense, be broken and leave marks; These lines are initially slightly red and bluish, and gradually turn pink, slightly pearly and finally white.

Some women will not have stretch marks on the breasts, but others (especially if they have stretch marks on the chest or other parts of the body since adolescence) will see these new marks on their skin.

To prevent its appearance, the skin can be adequately prepared for this natural distension, giving it more elasticity and more resistance thanks to adequate hydration. There are many anti-stretch creams with the most suitable elements to tone the skin.

If they have already appeared, after delivery it continues to hydrate to take care of the breasts, there are specific treatments that reduce stretch marks (although they cannot disappear completely).

Avoid sagging breasts

The same hydration that we have talked about to prevent stretch marks can help us prevent chest fall, which occurs when these are enlarged and pectoral muscle strain which may be favored by hormonal changes during pregnancy. It is important to remember at this time that the breasts do not fall for breastfeeding the baby, but for pregnancies.

It is during this period when the breasts can gain weight (there are many differences between women) and the larger they are, the more likely they are to "get off the hook", since the breasts do not have any muscle and a solid fixation to the chest. Here are the chest care tips:

  • Keep the area of ​​the breasts (up to the neck) hydrated It will give tonicity and prevent the muscles from distending, the area is stretched and favors the chest to be held naturally. During breastfeeding, take care that the cream has no smell so that it does not bother the baby and clean before breastfeeding.

  • The bra is also important, it must adapt to our size during pregnancy and lactation, be firm, with wide straps, that keep the breasts in their natural position without displacing them, compressing them or leaving marks on shoulders and back ...

  • The posture must be correct: let's avoid being hunched over, keep your back straight.

  • Losing weight quickly can also cause chest to fall, so weight recovery must be gradual. In addition, we do not want to put our health at risk, and if we have to lose a few kilos, it has to be done little by little.

  • Swimming will help keep muscles strong, as the pectoral area intervenes.

  • It is important perform isometric exercises in which the pectoral muscles intervene. We see some in the next section.

Chest exercises

Through these exercises the muscles are tensed by overcoming a resistance first and then relax, which strengthens them for a long time and strengthens the bust. Here we offer you a session of breasts-oriented exercises.

  • Sitting on the heels, join the palms of the hands in front of the body, squeeze them intensely, keeping the pressure five seconds and then loosening. Repeat the exercise five or ten times.

  • Sitting on the heels, with the hands joined on the head we repeat the previous exercise the same number of times.

  • Sitting on the heels, extend the arms behind the head and repeat the previous exercises.

  • Standing with your legs apart and knees slightly bent, extend your arms laterally and turn your shoulders forward and backward; Repeat the exercise ten or fifteen times.

  • Standing we make ten or fifteen small circles with arms extended laterally, without moving the upper part of the body.

  • The gesture of grimacing with the mouth lengthening the smile to the fullest and tightening the neck muscles also elevates the pectoral area.

Anyway, we have already told you that the recovery of the figure after childbirth is not a matter of a few weeks, and that it is also not possible in many occasions to be the same as before pregnancy, without this involving a drama. It is important to accept the changes in the woman's body, reconcile with the new body, and try to stay healthy, be fit.

As part of it, breast care after delivery It is important for women to feel good. You can have beautiful breasts after pregnancy (even if they are not exactly the same as we had before). We hope these tips help you to be more beautiful and above all happier.

Photos | Lululemon athletica and Coatl28 on Flickr In Babies and more | Tips to recover the figure after childbirth: Chest, Do not breastfeed for aesthetic reasons, How do breasts change in pregnancy?

Video: How to Express Milk (May 2024).