"The miraculous journey", impressive sculptures of uterine growth

The formation of life in the womb and birth seem a miracle. that is why there can be no more appropriate title for this series of sculptures representing uterine growth: "The miraculous journey", "Miraculous Journey".

These are 14 bronze sculptures by British artist Damien Hirst that represent from fertilization to birth and range between five and 14 meters high. The biggest sculpture, of course, is that of the newborn baby.

They are exposed in Doha, Qatar, and the millions of euros that cost the production of the sculptures add the author's fees. A miraculous journey, and luxury. The sculptures are located in line in front of the Sidra Medical and Research Center in Qatar, a huge building on the outskirts of the city and dedicated to women and children's health.

On other occasions we have talked to you about the artist Damien Hirst, because it is not the first time he approaches intrauterine life and birth, as he will show us in the hyperrealist paintings of a caesarean section.

Now, less detailed to be made in bronze, but realistic and equally impressive, these Sculptures of the baby's uterine growth surprise visitors in Qatar, and not without some controversy given the size of the project.

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