Antoine Bridier-Nahmias presents the images of magic pollution

Antoine Bridier-Nahmias He is a student and researcher in virology and molecular pathology who is doing his doctorate. He also has a great creative spirit and tremendous ease to represent the reality of his work in which bacteria and molds prevail. In its photographic work There is an abundance of color, shapes, textures and although it may be unpleasant, it is certainly interesting to see how something ugly can be presented beautifully.

When I was a student, one of the images we saw in the science books was that of an orange or a lemon invaded by bacteria. With the advent of the Internet, new technologies and information highways it is quite simple to be able to access jobs as specialized as those of Antoine to consult them and use them in learning.

Antoine uses the petri dishes to grow cells and see the behavior of bacteria. His photographic portraits are quite cold although they leave the prominence to the bacteria that spread across the plate creating hypnotic drawings and shapes.

Now the challenge is to understand the reasons that explain why bacteria have that form of growth, where they develop, why they do it, why they grow by doing those forms, how they get that color, etc. Although we leave that to the kids, I'm sure they are fascinated by watching the images of Antoine on their tumblr page.