Why is it so good to practice yoga during pregnancy?

Practicing exercise is a fundamental habit at all stages of life, the key is to find the most suitable for each one of us, the one who does us good, both outside and inside. One of the most recommended practices during pregnancy is yoga, a discipline in which body, mind and spirit connect.

It is ideal because it is a relaxed practice with which the pregnant woman should not make efforts beyond her possibilities. One of the false myths about yoga, precisely because it is a quiet practice, is that it does not "do" too much, but this is totally false. We tell you why is it so good to practice yoga in pregnancy.

Among the benefits of this millenary practice we find that:

  • Contribute to increase muscle tone and power: Good physical condition during pregnancy is very important to prevent postural pain. The muscles are strong to support excess weight, while strengthening the joints. Also, as you know childbirth is a great physical effort, it is very good to be well prepared.

  • Improves body posture and helps prevent back pain: the back is one of the parts that is most affected during pregnancy. Almost all Yoga postures focus on relieving tension in that part of the body to get a healthier and more rested back. In addition, it relieves pain in the lower back, one of the areas most affected by weight gain.

  • Help to combat discomfort typical of pregnancy like hemorrhoids, headache, tiredness and vomiting.

  • It favors the oxygenation of the fetus: The exercise itself combined with the techniques of deep breathing that occur in yoga contribute to greater oxygenation of the blood and therefore increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients that reach the baby through the placenta.

  • Contribute to eliminate nervous tension: It is a very relaxing practice that will help you reduce the stress of everyday life.

  • It establishes a very special communication with the babyand. Yoga is a practice that helps us to be more aware of our body. Both during the practice of the postures (called asanas) and during relaxation there is an introspection of sensations, which helps you connect with your baby inside and favor the prenatal bond between the two.

  • You will sleep better: Sleeping at night can be complicated at some stages of pregnancy, but yoga helps to relax the muscles and feel calmer, the ideal state to sleep well.

In Vitónica | Five benefits of Yoga

Video: Exercises in Preparation for Delivery for 7-9 months pregnant (July 2024).