Those wonderful years: the baby carrier

We look back again, until the time of our grandparents and those crazy inventions of the time. This time we introduce you to the baby carrier. An invention"

It was the crazy 50s and the world was determined to show the glamorous facet of everything around us. Suddenly everything "basic", what we could call, "walking around the house" no longer served, had no glamor and therefore lacked the slightest interest and above it was rude and bad taste to teach.

Thus, for example, one at home could not be in any way, one had to always be prepared to receive the president of the nation at any time. With his waistcoat, his slippers and his pipe (one was not glamorous if he did not smoke a pipe). Our fireplace set complimented a fireplace, an armchair of earmuffs and a small table where you could leave the whiskey glass. That was glamor and not what we have now in that one is received in tracksuit and with the shirt of Sevilla 92

In a glamorous world, hospital maternity could not be less and remember that at that time there was nothing less glamorous than a baby who constantly cried, drank milk and did his things on top (with how bad they smelled) and on the whole day demanding. No, no, no, that was not an image that could be sold.

So at that time the maternity rooms in the hospitals had a small terraced room where the newborn stayed to not disturb and let the adults rest, that after having been with him two or three hours one should finish very tired.

As a child I was in a camp where food was lowered by forklifts, those of the size of an oven. A bell rang and the monitors approached, opened the door and there was the food. At that time that was magic to me.

So I imagine the situation like this:

  • Honey the doorbell rang, our baby must be here already.
  • Yes honey, but first fix that hair a little. Remember the glamor. She gets up (as she can, but without complaining that complaining is not glamorous) and opens the "filing cabinet".
  • Umm, honey, what letter was it for? What had you called him?
  • How is she going to be a woman? Juan, like his father and grandfather.
  • It is true. Let's see ... a ... b ... d ... J. If here it is. Come with mom.

Alright. It may not be so, but they won't tell me that seeing the photo of the invention the subject does not give for one or two narrative licenses.

The truth is that the baby appeared in his little box early in the morning to be cared for by his mother, offering the possibility of being able to be returned to his "chambers" to be cleaned and changed by the hospital's nursing staff. So that the mother could rest at night, the baby was returned to the drawer and taken to the nest until the next morning.

I do not know if in cases of breastfeeding the baby was returned at night to his mother or given a bottle, although I suppose nature would print common sense in the parties involved.

Times have changed a lot, and although these "drawers" are no longer used, it is true that in many hospitals the separation of mother and child after childbirth continues to be affirmed that it is best for everyone. And it is already known that in that of the common good, the one who loses is always the weakest.

Another thing that is already disappearing, is the nest with that big window where the grandparents were going to breastfeed all proud of the genetics of their grandchildren and how handsome and good they were compared to the rest. Sincerely I don't know if this has been an advantage or an inconvenience, as this reconnaissance wheel prevented the whole family from passing through the room, saving the newborn from having to deal with the germs of the 25 family members, as well as ten different types of colonies and after save, three of lipstick and Five makeup bases. So I think they should re-establish the reconnaissance wheels but with mother and father included in the pack. So if everyone would win.

What do you think of the baby carrier?

Video: A Special Delivery for a Hero Mail Carrier (July 2024).