Ten things a pregnant woman should avoid

We all know and we are clear that a pregnancy is not a disease, so women should not be treated as if they were disabled and, more or less, can lead a normal life, if the changes produced by the pregnancy allow.

However, despite not being a disease, we are also clear that it is not a common situation and that many of the things the mother does will affect the baby. Therefore, without affirming that they are the most important things to consider, but affirming that all that we will comment should be considered, we offer below ten things a pregnant woman should avoid.

Consume alcohol during pregnancy

On more than one occasion I have heard that "for a little glass nothing happens" and it is very possible that it is true, but it is very difficult, if not impossible, to ensure how much is a safe consumption and, when in doubt, it is better not to try it. Occasionally studies appear that say it could be safe, but from time to time we also read information that shows no.

In Babies and more18 foods that are prohibited during pregnancy and may harm your baby

A glass in the whole pregnancy is probably safe, but the "nothing happens" for a glass "obvious", which can be "a day", "a week", "a month" or "throughout the pregnancy", when it's not the same It is known that the concentration reached by the alcohol in the blood of the fetus is very similar to that found in the maternal blood, so that the symptoms that a woman can suffer from having drunk alcohol will also be experienced by her baby, with the aggravating that it is much smaller and has a brain in formation.

Smoking during pregnancy

Smoking is bad. It is for a pregnant woman and it is also for one who is not. In the case at hand, as we speak of pregnant women, the data seems to show that smoking mothers are at greater risk of abortion, vaginal bleeding, premature delivery, ectopic pregnancy, etc. In addition, babies are born with less weight, are more at risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and are born more irritable due to withdrawal symptoms (born expecting to continue receiving the same substances they received because of their tobacco mother).

Drink too much coffee during pregnancy

Although more than talking about coffee we could talk about caffeine, because Cola drinks take it and mate, for example, too.

The issue is that it is recommended drink at most 300 milligrams daily of caffeine, which equals three cups of coffee or six cola. As you can see, it is not easy to go over the figure, but hey, we all know people who drink more than three coffees a day and, in case of pregnancy, it is advised to reduce the daily amount.

Take very hot baths and saunas during pregnancy

I do not know if you really want to take a very hot bath while pregnant, or even go to the sauna, because I do not feel like taking away the possibility of staying in state, but just in case temptation comes in, it is important to comment that pregnant women should prevent their body from exceeding 38.9 ° C, especially in the first month of pregnancy, when that temperature increase can affect the baby's nervous system. Therefore, hot baths with water above 35ºC, the sauna and in general all activities that raise the body temperature above those 38'9ºC are not recommended.


Every pregnancy involves weight gain. It also tends to retain fluids, move less and eat, perhaps, more. That makes the weight go up and up and the figure obviously changes. Many women want to avoid that weight gain and commit the error of dieting during pregnancy, which is precisely when it is less indicated. The reason is that dieting can affect the brain development of babies, it can make the walls of the baby's blood vessels weaker and also make the baby receive worse nutrients.

In Babies and more What the mother drinks, it reaches the baby: not a drop of alcohol during pregnancy

X-rays during pregnancy

The radiographs, which in our childhood were done so happily, are already limited to being done when they are considered strictly necessary. In the case of a pregnant woman, there are several studies that show that to affect the fetus a very high radiation should be given or an x-ray made directly on the mother's womb. Anyway, as I say, and just in case, it is recommended to look for alternative methods or leave the radiograph after pregnancy, if possible.

Eat big fish

Two years ago the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) issued a statement that recommended avoiding the consumption of large fish such as tuna, swordfish or shark because of the large amount of metals they accumulate, mostly mercury, which can affect the neuronal development of the baby.

Do high impact exercise in pregnancy

No one doubts that exercising during pregnancy is beneficial for women. If we add that we now know that it is also good for babies, there is no reason not to recommend it. However, it is not the same to do a little exercise every two or three days than to do high-impact exercises with jumps, sudden jolts, carrying heavy objects or similar, unless the woman is so accustomed to all that she can do it , reducing intensity, for sure.

Eat foods that can spread toxoplasmosis

It is rare, it is difficult and it is unlikely that a woman who has never had a toxoplasmosis will take it just when she is pregnant. However, it is not impossible. Therefore, those who, after the analytical ones, know that they are not immunized against this disease should be careful with the food that can infect it, since it is a disease that puts the baby at serious risk.

To do this, the consumption of raw or undercooked meats should be avoided (although salted ham, if cured according to European standards is harmless), the consumption of raw dairy products and all food that comes from the field and has not been thoroughly washed (an infected animal could have defecated on them).

Pass the pregnancy alone, stressed and / or without information

Finally, we leave you with a three in one, that is why they are no longer things that one does or does not do, or that eats or stops eating, but one more question of the direct environment and of the life that a pregnant woman leads . A pregnancy involves two people, a couple, so it is interesting to achieve the involvement of the father in pregnancy, so that he also knows what the subject is about, how you feel, what you need, how the pregnancy will be, the delivery and how it will be Then, when the child has arrived.

Together you can also inform yourself, because (and I tell you from experience) it is not the same to give birth and it is not the same to have a child without information, than with her. "Information is power," they say, and in this case it is true. Knowing makes a woman more clear about what she wants and what she doesn't want, what is normal and what is not, what she can do to be calmer during childbirth and what she should not do to make everything better. So you can control your fears and, with a little preparation, go in better conditions to give birth.

In the same way, and as we all know, stress is no one's good travel companion, neither from the single nor from the married, nor from those who expect a baby, nor from those who do not expect it. Therefore, and for the pregnancy to be happy and remembered as it deserves, stress should be minimized or eliminated during pregnancy. In addition, it is known that stress can affect not only the baby, but also the future of pregnancy, so what has been said: nothing to stress while there is a tummy.