What do you have to do to be a producer parent and not just a consumer online?

The other day we talked about the session he invited us to Disney with Guillermo Cánovas of Protégeles in which I stayed with a very specific part although I think it is very important. And Guillermo indicated that the digital divide It is currently conditioned among people who are producers of content versus those who are readers or consumers. Because now everything flows and moves through the Internet and is accessible through applications, mobile devices, computers, game consoles and even televisions can connect to the Internet to access content or to produce it.

That the digital divide is between being a Internet consumer and be a content generator on the Internet It is one of the maxims of web 2.0 (some elements appear in the image that illustrates the article and are taken from a model for the classroom). For parents, yes, we have published photos of the ultrasound of our children on the Internet and we do not think anything has happened, participating in Web 2.0 is essential to learn and enrich the experience with children. Because the kids from those two years in which they start to mess with the phone to watch videos, or those five or six in which he dares with video games, or those nine or ten in which he is encouraged to produce information and share it with their classmates in the classroom blog and up to fourteen or fifteen in which they begin to share the information through a mobile, parents can (and we have to) be attentive to that movement, participate actively and learn with them . In the words of Guillermo Cánovas that will generate a confidence in which our children will want to share, ask, teach and encourage us to see their progress.

I recommend encouraging you to participate in web 2.0 and share the experience with the family. It is a trajectory to which the children are taking us, society, the need to be informed, the ease to share and especially to live the moments of leisure in a very intense way.

There are many ways to get closer to the possibilities offered by the Internet. For example, today I read Estebano explain how one of the ways to do it is to writing a blog. And is that A blog allows you to create content of any kind and share it immediately with everyone. In addition, there is no longer talk about a blog as a platform for writing and waiting for comments, no, a blog can be made of images, experiences, desires, passions, interests, illusions, etc. And there are lots of tools to do it. The challenge is to start, keep it and especially not get discouraged neither when comments do not enter nor when those who enter are ungrateful and inversely affectionate to the effort made.

What I liked the most about the conversation with Guillermo Cánovas was how the discourse that was done a few years ago in which he threw himself more ban what an obsession!, to the surveillance and control of what children do on the Internet. Fortunately, technology, the good work of families, the formative work of schools in the use of new technologies, leisure and entertainment applications, the güasap (which does not yet exist as a word) that has united all families to faster than any other social network, modern mothers who have armed themselves with smartphones and even pirate mothers that spread everywhere.

So it is up to us fathers and mothers, who are much more active and know what this is about sharing experiences and desires, it’s up to set the digital divide frontier Do you dare to participate or will you continue reading?

Video: Producers and Consumers - Examples and Difference. Kids Academy (May 2024).