In the Neonatal and Pediatric ICU of the Hospital de León parents are not allowed to be with their children on an ongoing basis

We just informed The Birth is Our (EPEN) that Families with children admitted to the Neonatal and Pediatric ICU of the Hospital de León cannot accompany their children on an ongoing basis. (which contravenes the recent proposal of the Ministry of Health, Social Affairs and Equality).

In fact, this ICU has one of the most restricted schedules, as children who stay there can only be with their parents for one hour per day. But in addition, you don't even have a room where you can rest (and perhaps remain waiting for the time to visit, or to communicate with doctors), so a very negative distance is imposed for both the sick and their parents.

EPEN, is supporting the request of the parents of a baby admitted in critical condition in this center, who request the installation of a rest room for families, and demand free access to the Unit. The rights of hospitalized children cannot be subject to organizational or space issues.

The time restriction established by the León hospital for your Pediatric ICU, is indicated on its own website.

What does the regulation say about the right of hospitalized children to be accompanied?

The European Charter for the Rights of Girls and Hospitalized Children (approved by the European Parliament on June 16, 1986) expressly states "the right of the child to be accompanied by his parents or the person who replaces him, as long as possible during your stay in the hospital not as passive spectators, but as active elements of hospital life. "

The International Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 20, 1989 and the Declaration of the Rights of Children (approved on November 20, 1959 by the UN) also place special emphasis on the protection of hospitalized or sick children.

In Spain, on July 23, 2013, the Plenary of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System, chaired by the Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality, Ana Mato, agreed on the common criteria for pediatric and neonatal ICUs.

EPEN: We want to help spread the word and encourage you to sign the petition, but first of all we want to say that what this mother really needs is not just a place to rest, but a chair, a recliner, or better, a bed next door from her daughter. You need to be with her, that easy and simple. And her daughter needs her

Let us never forget that a hospital and its services must be health providers, and also comply with the legislation or recommendations of Scientific Societies. We would also like that hospital to decide to change its protocols for a closer relationship between parents and children who are in the Neonatal and Pediatric ICU.

With what the kids need their parents in those moments!