Soluble fiber containing fruits and vegetables could exert a preventive action on asthma in children

As we are told in this entry by the Roger Torné Foundation, there are studies that show that in Africa, where people's diet is made up of a lot of fiber, the population presents a greater amount of short chain acids.

What does this mean? It seems that these acids have an influence on asthma (in its prevention). And although at this time you cannot draw clear conclusions, it is possible to state that the incidence of allergies in the African continent is lower than in Europe or the United States.

In the link you have above, and I repeat at the bottom of the post, you can read an interview with Aurelien Trompette, who is the principal investigator of a study conducted by the Swiss hospital of Vaudois (in Lausanne). It is suggested that soluble fibers present in the diet and from fresh fruits and vegetables, can fulfill a preventive function on the respiratory disease that we have mentioned.

It should be clarified that the fiber we eat may be insoluble (found in cereals) and soluble, but research has focused on the second type

And it is worth saying - and I will repeat it later - that the importance of fiber intake begins to materialize in a healthy intestine; and that for many other reasons they are very beneficial.

The research - published in Nature Medicine - basically studies whether the fibers that are present in the diet can be beneficial for asthma, specifically soluble ones. These are fermentable and the bacteria involved in the process reproduce by eating a diet rich in fibers; which is beneficial because they transform them into fatty acids (of notorious influence on asthma).

This is a study with laboratory animals, so researchers are not going to extrapolate the results so far.

And returning to the issue of geographic location of allergies, in addition to a diet rich in fiber, the hygiene hypothesis seems to make sense. That is, children living in rural settings in developing countries are exposed to more variety of microbe products., which teaches the immune system not to overreact to these antigens.

Of course, in the onset of asthma, there are many factors, and another (which we have already talked about here) is air pollution; What has not yet been determined is which of them has more weight.

Finally, remember Aurelien, that a diet rich in fiber can be a Asthma prevention factor at an early age, and has other health benefits, including the fight against the onset of diabetes.

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