What is the most surprising thing the pediatrician or nurse has told you? the question of the week

This morning I told you an argument made by health professionals, explaining that breast milk with the second child is less nutritious, and I have realized that both Pediatricians like nurses can do a lot of harm to mothers and their babies (sometimes even psychological, because there are those who throw real fights) with surprising advice, often for scratching the absurd or for being simply disrespectful (not even being health advice).

It is not that I want to make public derision against my own collective, but I always like to know what mothers and fathers think on the other side of "the barrier". That is why this week we ask you:

What is the most surprising thing the pediatrician or nurse has told you?

Last week we asked you: What would you change about your child's school? to see what you told us about it.


M. Carmen told us the following:

Fewer children per classroom (there is only one class and there are 25) and there would be no punishment

And skeptic told us:

Not even know where to start. I would change almost everything starting with teacher training. It is a shame that Magisterio is the "easy" career and then they are not respected. My son with three and a half years is not going to be a child so I don't know if I'm the best person to write this. No homework or exams, with the daily class work the teacher knows perfectly the knowledge, skills and needs of each child. Less children per class and more personalized attention. Greater freedom for the teacher to design the programming. In children, more play and less literacy. Increased training, resources and support to attend to students with special needs.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: How often should my baby be pooping? (July 2024).