Miximons celebrates the first anniversary by opening its editorial section with books on maternity

Previously we had introduced you 'Miximons', a social network that aims to help mothers in their day to day. These days, they celebrate their first anniversary and inaugurate their editorial section to find and download free maternity ebooks aimed primarily at new moms.

You will find titles such as “The best tips for the first year of your baby's life”, “The labor rights of the working mother”, “Infant colic”, “Walking”, “The bottle” and “Newborn care born". At the outset, specific information about breastfeeding, or attachment, is lacking (although it may be within the libo dedicated to the advice for the first year of life), they may take it into account for future incorporations.

In Miximoms mothers You can ask your questions and find the best answers, advice and recommendations. Join and participate in groups that share a common interest such as new mothers, single parents, mothers with celiac children ...

It is not only a social network, but a business since you can find specialized brands in the online store. Miximoms was launched coinciding with Mother's Day, a year ago

I have not read any of these books, therefore I cannot comment on them, a task that I leave to you and you.