Are books on parenting good for anything?

"Sleep without tears", "Fall asleep child", "My child does not eat", "Manual for the proper care of the baby", "Being parents without dying in the attempt", etc. The range of books on this subject that we can find in the market is tremendously extensive, so much so that when we finish reading the majority of those currently on the market and we are clear about what we should do before a tantrum, how to sleep at our Baby and what to feed him, our son probably has already finished college.

That "children do not come with instruction manual" and that "every child is a world", worlds that are quite similar to each other, but different after all, are two truths to consider, at least for now .

Around the first one an entire industry of manuals, documents, theses and treatises on how children work has been set up, but in the second premise, which is equally good and valid, it comes to tell us that there is nothing that works for everyone , so: Are books on parenting good for anything? From my point of view, yes.

They keep us entertained while we wait for the arrival of our son

There is nothing that distinguishes this genre of books from any other in the market. And so we have better or worse written books, we have real bodries that will make it easier for us to fall asleep, there will also be others that will take it away from us. There will be some that will entertain us, there are science fiction and true treaties that are only understood if one has a PhD in statistics, a career in philosophy, psychology, advanced knowledge of medicine, several mechanics courses and at least one engineering ( believe me, I don't exaggerate).

What book to read me then?

Unfortunately, most authors of books of this type sin the same, have not known how to synthesize their book in the synopsis of this and so we can see how they tell us the same thing over and over again making it seem that once read One, read all.

We can't get much out of the cover either, the saying of you can't judge a book by its cover, however, if we can obtain some data through it: thus those who intend to engage through scientific rigor, that is, those who want to tell us, "Hello, I am a serious person who has written this book and you should read it" present on its cover a photo of the author, or a sober background that indicates that we are facing something serious, pediatric even a whole treatise on parenting.

Then we have those based on the happiness that present images of landscapes, happy children, you know, something that does not indicate that "in this book you will find the path to your happiness", of course I do not believe that many of us buy a book of this theme if the diabolic doll's forum appears.

Finally, we have those who have the humor to hook the reader, images of women (mothers) desperate and terribly busy on the cover, comic or chaotic scenes that usually only those non-first-time parents have lived, but are usually enjoyable to read and are told from the perspective of that friend Let him sit down to have a coffee with you while he tells you what his day to day is like and how you should think it will be yours. This does not have to be this way, many of our ills become small when we share them with others.

One book for each method and one method in each book

As surely you will have been told or you will know from experience, in this education and care of those adorable beings we call children, there is no single method of parenting, moreover, the "method" is not correct, a method is something rigid that demands a specific performance in a concrete way and a child is so supremely changing that it will be difficult for something to work a lifetime.

But, How many methods are there? Well, as many as authors writing, why? Well, from what I've told you before, each child is one world and each teacher another, which translates into another saying. every master has his own trick and if your mother were to write, surely she would have a different one from everyone else, so let's not say those who are professionally dedicated to this.

Therefore, here we have books for all imaginable trends, from the most respectful to children to those most favorable to parents, through the entire intermediate range. Which one to take home? Well, if you are clear about how you want to educate your child, a book that fits your parameters, although I would advise you to also choose one that, although in principle it does not fit, is also not confronted with your beliefs, because it is very likely that you learn something, although Be the way of not doing things.

And there is none that works?

Well look, 100% would say no. Because the thing is not so easy and raising a child is an equation of those of the fiftieth grade in which more variables are involved than in climate change.

So I don't read any? Neither. If there is something that is true, culture does not take place. And there are many books that will try to explain, in one way or another, why your child does things. This can help you see it from your point of view (which often does not resemble ours or that we believe) and thus be able to apply a valid solution.

But it is likely that your child does not react as expected to the book or that they are even counterproductive methods. In the end everything will consist of a little here and a little there, nobody has the absolute truth with your son, or anyone else's. And of course, nobody will end up knowing their son better than their parents.

And I'm done now. It is very clear that there are very divergent breeding lines and that in all likelihood if you feel more related to a certain trend the other does not deserve for you to dedicate even five minutes, but there are many other intermediate ones that can be interesting. We can also find many practical aids or solutions to our everyday problems, such as talking about different things to your children, what to say and how to do it, what language to use.

We must also keep in mind that a book is never a substitute for a professional and if we see something strange in our child we should consult him, no matter how much he tells us the guide that is an unimportant problem.

And you, Was there any book you particularly like? Are books on parenting useful?