Dads and moms blogs (CCXXXVII)

As every week, we look at the terrestrial blogosphere ma (pa) to discover what has been published in the moms and dads blogs in the last days.

To begin, we have chosen Eva María Bernal's blog, Creating a family, which helps people with infertility. What to do when you find out that you can't have children like everyone else? Where do I begin? In a very complete article, he explains the first steps in assisted reproduction.

Welcome to the world of maternal blogs at In Mom's Arms which has been released with its first post. She is the mother of a 7-month-old girl and a lactation consultant. Surely you will have good tips to share. Add it to favorites!

Another new blog, that of Manuela Pataletas, mother and doula in equal parts. In Am I in labor? provides clues to future moms to know how to recognize when the long-awaited time has come.

For its part, Mom in Bulgaria, mother of two children and based in Sofia, gives us In Cribs and children's mattresses some tips to choose the most suitable for our babies have sweet dreams.

We also discovered the blog of Mom and baby, in which Karina reveals the benefits of Arabic dance in pregnancy. A practice that allows you to be fit while connecting with your baby.

Finally, an entry that I loved in Educating four. In hormones and creativity Elena tells us about some of the changes that some pregnant women "suffer" and that she has "affected" fully: a burst of creativity that prompted her to do many beautiful things, including a blog of crafts.

So far, our tour of the dad and mum blogs this week. As we always tell you, if you have a blog in which you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.