The behavior of the princess and the princess in the coronation of her father has been exemplary ... but is it normal?

Like many people today, we had the coronation ceremony of Philip VI putting on background noise during the morning. While we were doing the different tasks we were seeing how the events developed.

He will do who has liked it more or less, who has not even stopped to see it or who, like me, has seemed somewhat insubstantial. But of all that I have seen there is one thing that I have found remarkable and that perhaps because of the magnitude of the event it has gone unnoticed most of the time and it is not that the behavior of the princess and the infanta in the coronation ceremony of Felipe VI has been exemplary and for me the most shocking.

I am sure that more than one and two are wishing that the newly released Kings of Spain give them the trick to get two girls of a few years (8 and 6 respectively) to maintain the protocol for these acts better than some of the adults present there . I assure you that not even I would have behaved like this before such a ceremonial tostón.

Looking back and according to experts in this protocol and celebrations of high birth, the two sisters have always had exemplary behavior, sometimes quite far from the one that has presented some of their cousins ​​with their age. The famous kick seen by millions of people at the princes' wedding inevitably comes to my memory.

Many will say that they are girls, that in general their behavior is calmer than that of boys and it is true that it gives that feeling that girls do less "the goat", as they say in my town, than their fellow Y chromosome. But still, there are many other factors that influence a child's behavior in certain situations.

The question we can ask ourselves is, if that "exemplary" behavior that we ask It is normal in a child. That is, can we consider it normal for a child to remain still and silent in a ceremony done by and for adults? Wouldn't it be more "normal" for the child in half an hour to be already climbing up the tapestries or running under the tables?

What is normal, the quiet child or the child who does not stop still?

I recognize that my children tend to behave reasonably well when we go outside. But everything has a limit and the moment comes when the chairs burn, the conversations of elders do not interest the least (if they were at any time) and without anything that entertains them they will shoot to find something to keep busy Your little heads.

Keep in mind that a baby or a two-year-old child is not the same as one of eight or more. If we are lucky, it is possible that with a child under two years or three we can enjoy a quiet desktop if we are looking for a quiet place to take a nap and for those older we can always leave them a little more freedom and have fun alone, but there is an age range, between three and five in which the thing is complicated and that makes us think about it several times before wanting to take them to some celebration. With three years and many have already stopped taking a nap, they are in the age of wanting to investigate alone and show who is more gross or who is better at this or that, but can not be unsupervised, unless we have no intention of Go back for that site.

I don't think there is a "normal" behavior that is above the rest. There are more desirable behaviors than others, but all are more or less normal. Both the child who stays at the quiet table and who entertains himself with anything like the child who does not stop still.

We must not forget that these types of meetings are not made for them, that we can get them to maintain their composure for a while, but that in the end the nature of each one will be imposed on the social behaviors learned. We must be prepared for these situations and when the time comes to get the aces we have brought from home.

We confuse bad education with child behavior and vice versa

Lately we are seeing how the "child-free" spaces are becoming fashionable, places that consider the access of children to their facilities as if they were dogs. They are places that simply respond to a need of certain sectors of society that they consider terribly unpleasant to take their gin and tonic in the presence of minors, I suppose it will be due to some chemical process between childhood hormones and the tonic.

All this occurs because children are considered annoying and poorly educated. And it is that many times we confuse the state of curiosity and energy of a child with bad education, perhaps because there are people who believe that a child is nothing more than a miniature adult who has to go to file social harshness. For my part, I think someone should pass a humanity test before letting him go outside, but what we are going to do seems that this world is free for some.

On the other hand we have certain parents who confuse a badly educated child with an active child. Surely we have sometimes seen children running between the tables of a restaurant or even throwing objects at the tables next to them while the parents remain oblivious to the play.

The middle ground is always a good option.

We have to keep in mind that we are with children, who are not adults, but that we live within a society that has certain basic rules of coexistence that we must all meet. With all this in mind, we can probably enjoy a wonderful event in the company of our unfinished nerves.

What do your children take to social celebrations?