Heavy digestions during pregnancy? Tips to prevent them

Indigestion is a feeling of discomfort in the stomach after having eaten that occurs with some frequency during pregnancy and can manifest itself in various ways: pain, acidity, feeling of fullness or heaviness ... Having a heavy digestion during pregnancy is common, but what can we do to prevent it?

Indigestion in pregnancy occurs mainly in the third trimester, when discomfort increases due to the larger size of the fetus, which barely leaves room for the stomach and other organs of the digestive system.

In short, pregnancy as it progresses causes a displacement of the stomach and intestines that can cause some discomfort in digestion. That is to say, the space that in our stomach was previously dedicated to the reception of food and the realization of digestion, now there is hardly any room for fair food.

In addition, the acidity occurs when the sphincter that separates the stomach from the esophagus relaxes and lets the stomach acids reach the esophagus, we notice how "a burning" rises, sometimes they even "try to get out" some half-digested food. This can cause vomiting in some pregnant women who experience nausea regularly.

This acidity problem is aggravated in the final stretch of pregnancy, since the larger size of the uterus presses and moves the stomach up.

But you are also likely to have indigestion at the beginning of pregnancy and not only in the third quarter. This is because the gastrointestinal movements are slowed by the large amounts of progesteone and relaxin that the body produces (which in turn causes an increase in gases). And although for the future mother it is uncomfortable, this slowness is beneficial for the baby, since it allows a greater absorption of nutrients.

But the main cause of heavy digestions is the same as in other people: an excess of food. If we "pass" at the time of eating or eating heavy foods it is very likely that heartburn or heartburn, pain and even anguish will occur. Therefore we will bring the recommendations for good digestion during pregnancy.

Tips for good digestion during pregnancy

  • Throughout pregnancy, avoid excessive weight gain, since, among other inconveniences and risks, this greater volume makes the stomach look more oppressed.

  • Avoid heavy meals, that is, with excess fat, dishes with many spices, spicy, fried ... This is especially important in summer, when the body asks more to cool. With luck, your body will "ask you" for this type of lighter and more refreshing food.

  • Eat less during meals, but more times a day. It is not about going hungry but about distributing meals, eating healthy snacks between meals and equally healthy and balanced meals at the main meals. Nor is it about eating for two, but the needs do increase during pregnancy, but the important thing is more the quality of food than the quantity.

  • Chew food well, better pass more waste to facilitate digestion.

  • Avoid carbonated drinks.

  • Avoid presses tight to the waist or stomach.

  • After eating, try to rest with a comfortable posture: sitting with your feet up. You can also take a gentle walk to facilitate digestion. Relaxation helps not to have a bad digestion.

  • Do not lie down immediately after the meal. Especially at night, try to dine lightly a couple of hours before the time you usually go to bed. In this way, digestion becomes easier and we are not as "aware" of its effects as if we are lying down.

These recommendations can also be followed by your partner and thus "accompany you", because these are healthy tips for everyone.

Finally, remember that indigestion is usually not a serious health problem and will not affect the baby, unless it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as weight loss or difficulty swallowing, which is when you have to go to the doctor. If digestion problems do not prevent the mother from feeding properly, the baby will not notice anything.

But the discomfort can affect the well-being of the future mother to a large extent, and if you see that heartburn does not allow you to keep a normal rhythm, consult the gynecologist in case he can recommend any appropriate antacid.

You may notice that after the last days of lunch or dinner you had a hard time. It is time, then, to follow these tips to prevent heavy digestion during pregnancy if you didn't do it before.

Photos | Thinkstock
In Babies and more | Avoid heavy digestions with the following tricks, Discomfort in pregnancy: natural solutions for nausea, constipation, heartburn, back pain and stress

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