Bloodshot eyes after childbirth, should I worry?

The physical state of the mother after childbirth undergoes many changes due to the great work done and, although it is not one of the most frequent effects, it is not uncommon for some mothers to have bloodshot eyes after childbirth.

The redness of the eyes, in general, is due to the presence of swollen and dilated blood vessels, which causes the normally white ocular surface to appear red or injected into blood.

Although bloodshot eyes can happen for several reasons, in the case at hand it is due to the excessive and continued increase in eye strain during the period of delivery.

It is a usual effect that falls within normality. That is in vaginal births the mother has made a lot of effort with the bids so that the baby crosses the birth canal, when this period is extended.

The fact that the vessels on the surface of the white portion of the eye (sclera) swell is due to physical exertion (sometimes it can happen with an intense cough). It is known as subconjunctival hemorrhage. The redness is not worrisome unless there is also eye pain or difficulty seeing.

Cold wet cloths placed in the eyes, several times a day, can relieve the redness that, in any case, will disappear only with the passage of days (one or two weeks) until the eyes return to their normal appearance.

At least, normality will be restored as far as bloodshot eyes during childbirth It refers, but maybe dark circles, with the arrival of the baby to the family, last a little longer ...

Video: How To Treat Baby Pink Eye Conjunctivitis. Care & Treatment English (May 2024).