How many minutes have you breastfed, how many diapers have you changed? A mother recorded all of her baby's follow-up for 14 months

Are you one of those people who like to have everything registered in tables and templates? Well, this mother is also one of them and she has taken the job of doing a daily follow-up of the time you have spent breastfeeding, the amount of milk you gave in 14 months, as well as the diapers that changed your baby and how much money you spent on them ...

The follow-up was carried out with the help of a mobile application created to keep track of the baby's development and Excel and shared it on Reddit three days ago so that parents can get a real idea of ​​what baby care involves during the first months of life

Amount of breast milk produced

No, the chest does not come with a meter to know exactly how much the baby has taken. To calculate it, it has been based on research on the subject. He has calculated, for the first three months, two ounces (59 ml) every 20 minutes, the next four months, 3 ounces (89 ml) and thereafter, 4 ounces (118 ml).

To interpret it, you have to look at the chart of the months. In the first column the months appear, in the second the average number of shots per day, in the third, the average length of time the shots per day lasted in minutes. In the last one, the amount of milk extracted, in ounces (1 ounce = 29 ml)

Reflected in the table above, we find the total amount of milk produced (204.20 liters) plus the amount of milk extracted (62.37 liters), a total of 266.57 liters. He has also calculated the calories, based on an average of 20 calories per ounce, which he has thrown a total of 180,280 calories, the equivalent of 320 Big Macs.

How many minutes did he breastfeed

In the first month, he breastfed an average of 13.6 times per day, which took 266.7 minutes per day. In the second month, an average of 12.9 times per day, investing 302.35 minutes a day (5 hours) to breastfeed your baby.

She has not made the total calculation (maybe she did not want to know) but if we multiply the daily average by 30 days of the month (the first month I have multiplied it by 14, since the baby was born on 11/17), to find out how many minutes breastfed your baby, throw a total of 42.642 minutes, which translate into 827.36 hours, and in 34.47 days.

0 to 4 month registration

In this table he recorded for 18 weeks (a little more than four months) the diapers he changed per day (Diapers column), the shots the baby made (Feeds column), the weight in pounds, the weight in kg, the gain of grams per day, and in the last column made observations about diseases, vaccines and teething.

Growth chart from 0 to 15 months

Cost of diapers and wipes

I buy a total of 2880 diapers with a total cost of 493 euros ($ 520.99) and 6,720 wet wipes with a total cost of 138 euros ($ 146.04).

Diaper change per day

In the first months of life of the baby has changed fifteen diapers someday, but on average, about eight diapers per day, a total of 720 in three months.

Amount of breast milk extracted

An average of 120 ml (4.1 ounces) was extracted per session. A total of 1.08 liters (36.8 ounces) in nine months.