Gestational diabetes remains a serious problem.

We know that diabetes during pregnancy can cause congenital malformations in the fetus or even death, there are many informative measures and controls that are taken but, even so, the figures are still very high. A study published in the British Medical Journal, reveals that Gestational diabetes remains one of the important problems to solve to avoid possible damage to the fetus.

The study analyzed 2,359 mothers with type 1 or 2 diabetes (the one who needs insulin regularly or the one who needs it sporadically) who gave birth in different parts of the United Kingdom during the years 2002 and 2003. The study data revealed that perinatal mortality was three times higher than existing statistics of the general population, in addition the death rate was 31.8 per thousand births. What is intended is to demonstrate that there is a lousy control over diabetes, glucose exceeds the recommended limits and the consequence is an excess in complications that directly affect the fetus putting it in danger.

It is necessary to emphasize on an adequate control of the glycemic rates, it is the only way to reduce these statistics and for the delivery to come to fruition. Excesses must be avoided at all costs and be rigorous since the child's life depends on it.

According to the authors of the study, diabetic women should take higher doses of folic acid from before becoming pregnant until the 12th week of gestation, in this way the neural tube defects can be prevented. In addition, they also recommend diagnosing certain heart conditions to try to reduce this neonatal mortality.

As we always say, all prevention is little when it comes to your child's life.

Video: Hi9. Can Gestational Diabetes affect Baby. Bindra. Laparoscopic surgeon (May 2024).