Platform to request the help of 2,500 euros for all children born in 2007

Through a comment we have known the intention to create a platform with the purpose of asking the Spanish government that the aid offered of 2,500 euros per birth or adoption, be retroactive to the entire year 2007 and not from July 3 as in principle is established.

The idea is that the benefit be extended to all those who have been parents in the current year, we support this initiative, but we also want to add some approaches: Why does the executive publicize the help in this way, without even Having previously prepared all the information so that it could have been consulted on the spot through the network or other means? How can you offer help that was contemplated in the electoral program with few months left for the elections? why the political parties do not apply the reforms, aid, laws and other necessities at the time they reach power? ... many are the questions that address us, but the conclusion is one, this benefit is simply a political movement and not the Interest in helping families. We are still waiting to know how this will affect the deductions for children in the income statement. Regardless of the policy, we believe that just as most laws, decrees and other issues apply when the year begins, the aid in question should have the same treatment and be applied retroactively from January 1. If there is a real spirit of helping to promote birth and improve the current conditions of many parents, there should not be any problem, in addition, the needs and possibilities of each family should be assessed.

Many are the affected parents who will not be able to receive the necessary help, so the preparations are finalized to form a platform that vindicates the retroactive help, through the mail help2500 @ the collaboration of the users is requested, you just have to sign up to this mailing list to finalize how to act.

Good luck and may the claim prosper.

Video: Kiril Sokoloff: Founder And Chairman Of 13D Global Strategy & Research. Interview. Real Vision (May 2024).