"Zebras, to dance", children's songs about road safety

A few days ago we talked about "Circulando", the portal on road safety for children, and today we bring you one of their interesting initiatives to spread their message among the little ones. Is about a CD-DVD published by the Mapfre Foundation with five songs on road safety aimed at children between 3 and 7 years old.

The titles are significant: 'The Traveling Belt', 'The Song of the Pedestrian', 'My Chair and I' and 'Everyone to cross' (also in Portuguese version). It includes a DVD with the videos and karaokes of the songs, a booklet with the lyrics and the choreographies, and a guide for parents and teachers to collaborate and participate.

You can see all the videos of Zebras to dance! from Youtube, and to download the songs in mp3 you have to register on the web. The videos are very funny, with karaoke to go singing and catchy lyrics for the kids, with dance incorporated into one of them.

A fun way, through the song and the game, so that the whole family learns the main traffic rules and the importance of respecting them.

Fundación Mapfre distributes the CD-DVD of songs to all the families of the Zebra Club, nursery schools, toy libraries and family care centers, and from here I recommend watching the videos of "Zebras to dance!" in Youtube, they are worth it and the kids love them.

We remind you that these songs are part of the road education program "Circulating, Educating in Values ​​for Road Safety", whose objective is to teach the smallest basic safety standards, in this case having fun through songs.

Official Site | Circulating: Zebras to dance In Babies and more | Driving, road safety portal for families, Road education, basic rules for children, Teaching road education to children aged two and three, Children raise awareness about good driving