Baby's skin in summer: rashes and stings

A few days ago we talked about the skin of children in summer, focusing on the eczema of children with atopic dermatitis, children whose pathology can have a very bad time these hot days or, conversely, have a great time.

Today we are going to talk about all children in general touching two possible problems that happen especially in summer: rashes and stings in babies and children.

Baby skin rashes

Babies and children sweat as much or more than adults and the combination of heat and humidity It is usually devastating with the skin of many babies. I say devastating because it affects them, not always in an exaggerated way or being especially annoying, but with the appearance of rashes that sometimes can sting or sting them.

The cause, as I say, is the combination of moisture and heat in a very sensitive skin. The humidity comes from the baby's sweat and also from the drool, if he is in a time to walk wetting himself with his mouth as a source. It can also be done in the diaper area by both sweat and urine itself (imagine having to wear a diaper with which it is falling).

As recommendations for prevent the appearance of skin rashes and to treat them If they have already appeared, it is usually recommended:

  • Bathe the child every day, something that is usually done, basically because they sweat often. Use little soap, or use a slightly acidic pH soap.
  • Be careful with the amount of clothes we put on the baby. I would almost say that it is advisable to put the same amount of clothes that we wear. If at home the temperature is high, a diaper will be enough. Better clothes that are not very tight, made of thin cloth, cotton or linen, avoiding clothes that have synthetic fibers or plastic prints that can be quite hot in the area.
  • We will have to change diapers often so that we break the formula "moisture + heat". If the child is already a little older and if he has already flushed skin, the ideal is to pass no diaper as many hours as possible
  • If the rash stings or itches, it may do well, in addition to baths with acid pH soap, use calamine lotion. Moisturizers can also go well, as long as they don't clog the pores of the skin (non-baby creams, homemade mixes, etc.).
  • We have to observe how the swimsuit tissue affects the skin. Many swimsuits are made of lycra, and could irritate them if we add them to the sand on the beach. If we see that with them the child is worse, better to use cotton swimsuits.

Insect bites in babies and children

The other common ailment that we can find in summer is that derived from insect bites, usually mosquitoes, which usually give us the night flying on the prowl of their prey, we, attacking as soon as they can.

Prevention I think we all have it more or less clear. Wear light clothing for the sun's theme (darker and hotter) but not bright colors, do not use soaps, colognes or perfumes with a strong smell, use mosquito repellents for children, without applying them to hands or feet if they are babies, no whether they suck it (not on the lips, eyes or nose, of course). It is also important to have the house clean and tidy (the more disorder is more likely that some insects are left to live with us), use mosquito nets for the windows, insecticides and gadgets several matainsectos or insect traps.

Regarding treatment there are several recommendations, namely:

  • If the sting is with a stinger, and it has remained inside, we should not press to remove it because they tend to stick even more. Tweezers can be useful in that case or, if in doubt, go to a health center to assess how to extract it.
  • If we see that the area is slightly inflamed we can apply local cold to keep it from becoming inflamed.
  • If the area itches, something common because there has been blood draw, we can buy applicators with ammonia, which sell them in the pharmacy and calm the area. If not, you can also try with garlic. You cut a clove of garlic and pass it over the bite. If it dries we cut a slice to find a wet area again and continue.
  • If the reaction is very beast for what we usually see (for a while this part seems that the mosquitoes had developed an alien mutation) it could be interesting to go to a health center to recommend us some ointment to apply, either antihistamine, with corticosteroids or even antibiotics.

Hopefully you do not have to apply any of these tips and your children pass a wonderful summer With healthy and intact skin.