Raise your hand against physical punishment

Today I met this Poster pertaining to a campaign against child abuse which is integrated into an initiative of the Council of Europe and has as a general motto: "Raise your hand against physical punishment".

The campaign is a while ago, and we already present the video that the Ministry of Education launched then. Now that many social campaigns are going to be affected, also, by the cuts, we thought we could remember this through this beautiful poster.

And above all we bring you this image because the figures of abuse continue to be overwhelming, because there is still a lack of social awareness about how bad it can be to hit a child, hit another person. So posters like this are still necessary

And not so much for the cases of abuse that are known, but for those who are silenced, which are many more. In Spain, it is estimated that between five and 15 children in 1,000 suffer abuse, although only 10% to 20% of the total cases are detected, according to data from the Spanish Society of Pediatric Emergencies. That is, between eight and nine cases of child abuse in ten are not detected in Spain.

The image shows us the hands of an adult who come together tending a bridge so that the child can be safe thanks to them. The hands, as a symbol of protection and the opposite they may become, because hands are not to hit, "hands are to protect", as the poster says.