Is it any use lying with your legs raised after intercourse to achieve a pregnancy?

The first thing a couple does when they decide to have a child is to put aside contraceptives and have relationships without any protection. There are couples who immediately achieve a pregnancy, some even at the first, although most commonly, I would say, is that the process to achieve a pregnancy is longer.

As the months go by, couples begin to look for ways to increase the chances of getting pregnant, and one of the recommended techniques is that the woman, after sexual intercourse, stay a while lying with raised legs to favor the sperm to rise (in this case, lower) towards the fallopian tubes. However, Is it any use

It is very common advice

I know that it is very common advice because in various conversations with couples my age has appeared as a possible solution. In fact, many professionals recommend it, explaining that this facilitates the arrival of semen to the destination where the egg awaits. The time to wait depends a little on who explains it, some people talk about a few minutes, others suggest that you arrive at the quarter of an hour and there are those who, because of that since I do it, I do it well, it stays up to half an hour in the same position.

There is no evidence to support the effectiveness

The reality is that, no matter how much is done and however much it is recommended, there is no scientific evidence to prove that it is useful for anything. That is, to date there is no study that has been able to conclude that it is a useful technique that will make women who do so more likely to get pregnant.

It worked for us (or not)

Eight years ago we decided that we stopped using contraceptive methods. It is not that we wanted to have a child "already", but we were at that point that "if it does not come, nothing happens, if it comes, welcome". Months passed and neither pregnancy nor anything. As Buenafuente says: "You have to see how fast a girlfriend gets pregnant, and what it costs to get your wife pregnant."

The fact is that I don't remember where the idea came from, if they had told us or if it seemed logical to do so, but Miriam stayed for a while in that position, legs up, and a few weeks later the test was positive. This obviously cannot prove that it works, because perhaps she would have gotten pregnant equally, or perhaps it was not the day the sperm reached the ovule, namely (although we are convinced of it).

So, How harm does not and does not pose any risk, it does not seem like bad advice. The worst that can happen is that nothing happens, that does not increase the chances of pregnancy, so why not try?

Video: Triple Your Chances of Getting Pregnant? (May 2024).