Will there be war toys for your children this Christmas? the question of the week

As every week, we ask you a question so you can answer it in our Answers section and at the same time you can vote on the answers of the other users.

In my house with the theme toys there was a single rule imposed by my father, "guns are not requested" that encompassed both firearms, as any type of knife and unfortunately for me, everyone obeyed him. I never knew if there was any hidden motivation behind that, because I had boxes and boxes of toy soldiers, Indians, cowboys, etc.

Now it is my father's turn and although I do not apply the same rule, it is true that I try to avoid such gifts. At the moment and with two children at home there is only one pirate gun that came with a costume and that, all things said, I have played more with it than themselves.

Many may be the reasons to avoid giving away a war toy, as if giving them away. We ask this week, will there be war toys for your children this Christmas?

Last week's question

Last week we asked you if with the arrival of the baby you had considered leaving work and the most valued response was that of kenoby

Well, I have considered it, unfortunately for me (and for my family) we cannot afford it economically. I have a reduction of the day and spend the afternoon with them, well I actually spend the afternoon at home, between preparing meals for the next day, the house, shopping, dinner, the father who has a disastrous schedule ... (I DON'T KNOW I would do WITHOUT grandmothers) we don't have all the time we would like to be together. My heart shrinks every time my oldest son, with 5 years old tells me: "Mom, do you always have to be so busy?" I am very sad NOT to be there to get up in the morning, take them and pick them up from school, have real time to be with them ... I like my job and fortunately I work in the profession I chose. I was one of those who thought I would need to work, to be independent, that the house would fall on me ... etc, but ... after having my first child, another self was born, my work ceased to be a priority, let's say I now work to live, so ... they give me a lot I envy women who decide to stop working to take care of their offspring the truth, I would love to ... but ... "C'est la vie"

In order for us to take your opinions into account we need you to respond in our Answers section, entering through the question link. If you do it in this post we will not be able to take them into account and we will not be able to comment on them next week.

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