The emotional moment when a blind mother sees her baby for the first time

Can you imagine the feeling of not being able to see your baby after waiting for him for nine months? Kathy Beitz, is a blind mother of 29 years that although he thought it would be impossible, thanks to a special glasses equipped with the highest technology has been able to live the emotional moment of seeing your baby for the first time hours after birth.

Kathy suffers from Stargardt's disease, also known as juvenile macular dystrophy, a hereditary eye disease that left her blind at the age of 11. But not totally blind. The disease causes an unfocused vision without sharpness, which makes it difficult to recognize faces and shapes as well as read both near and far, also leads to confuse colors of near shades. People who suffer from it may lose visual acuity until they reach legal blindness.

For these patients, eSight glasses have been created with a technology that allows viewing high-definition images projected on a screen in front of the patient's eyes. Without them, Kathy could not have lived that emotional moment of seeing your baby's face for the first time. Not only has she been able to touch and smell her baby, but also with her gaze, her whole body, her little hands, her feet ... A feeling of love at first sight that she will certainly remember forever.

The glasses cost 15 thousand dollars, but the company that manufactures them has launched solidarity campaigns so that more and more people with legal blindness (with serious vision problems but not completely blind) can make normal lives.

This young mother uses them daily to be able to enjoy your baby with all the senses.