Recognize Kawasaki Syndrome

Kawasaki syndrome It is a rare and rare disease that, however, requires early diagnosis to avoid its most serious consequences. Recently a family I know has gone through this serious trance and I have found it interesting to give guidelines to recognize him in order to see a doctor on time.

It usually occurs in children of Japanese or Korean descent but in European children its incidence is 5 to 10 cases per 100,000. It is more common in men and appears in 50% of cases before two years and in 80% before four, being very rare in children over eight years.

Its cause remains unknown, although everything indicates that it can be caused by a bacterial infection of unknown origin. Despite its rarity, it is convenient to know its existence since going to the doctor if the symptoms are clear is a great guarantee of healing, since it could cause very serious heart problems and even fatal coronary aneurysms.


Your clearest symptom is high fever more than five days of evolution that does not yield to the usual anti-thermal treatments. Other symptoms include reddening of the eyes without exudate, alterations of the oral mucosa, chapped lips and raspberry-colored tongue. In addition, patients usually present with hard edema in hands and feet, joint pain, generalized erythema and swollen lymph nodes. Another sign is the peeling of the skin on the fingers.

However, these general symptoms could come from more common diseases, so consultation with the doctor is essential. If a suspect is suspected Kawasaki syndrome Blood tests, x-rays and cardiac tests will be sent to the hospital, since the disease is a vascular inflammation that affects the heart.

Kawasaki Syndrome Treatment

He treatment of the patient with Kawasaki syndrome It requires hospitalization and a combined treatment of intravenous gammablobulin and aspirin that takes effect in 24 hours and reduces the risk of heart problems that could lead to death from coronary aneurysm.

Kawasaki syndrome It is a very rare multisystemic vascular disease in our environment, which, however, has obvious symptoms for which it is convenient to go to the doctor for evaluation if they occur, given the severity of the condition with a late diagnosis.