'Go to sleep once and for all', unfortunate book for parents

A unfortunate book for parents titled “Go the fuck to sleep”, what translated into Spanish would be something like 'Go to sleep once and for all', is a newly released work that is sweeping the United States.

Its author is the writer Adam Mansbach, a father who after a particularly difficult period to send my two-year-old daughter Vivien to sleep, has decided to share his frustration with other parents through a book in a childish tone, but certainly not for children.

He has the spirit of a book of children's stories, but he expresses his despair and anguish in a way of speaking that for some is fun and honest, and for others it sounds disrespectful and insensitive to the needs of a child.

Of course, the cathartic tone of the book has raised a stir that led him to sell a large number of books before even presenting it. The voice of a tired and dejected father speaks, who instead of being understanding and expressing himself lovingly uses an ominous combination of sweet rhymes with expletives such as:

"The windows are dark in the city, girl / The whales have already huddled deep inside / I read you the last book if you swear / You will fall asleep at the same time."

I understand that you try to convey that helplessness that we feel many times when our children fail to fall asleep, but losing forms, even if they pretend to be ironic, is the least recommended at times like this. The art of being parents is knowing how to recognize the symptoms of anger and control, or at least try, before losing the papers. In resolving conflicts without insults, shouting, or punishment.

I am not the only one against the book. A Facebook user, Linda Carey, says: “The rude language, the denigrating feelings directed towards the boys and everything related to this book - including its popularity between the parents - embarrasses me”.

The point is that the book is selling like hot cakes, it is marketed by the publisher of a friend of the author and Fox has already bought the rights for a movie. In addition, on his Facebook page he has just announced that the Spanish version is underway, which could well be called 'Go to sleep once and for all' or 'Go to sleep, &%$'”'. If you want to open your mouth, you can listen to the book in English.

I don't like the tone or the idea at all, it seems to me an unfortunate book, even for parents. It is worth doing it in private, but from there to share your anger publicly with other parents ... You, what do you think of this way of channeling the frustrations of fatherhood? Do you like the book?