Water intake recommendations in children

Except in the summer season, the rest of the year we don't remember much of how necessary the water intake for our kids and is that according to nutritionists, we must have children drink between six and eight glasses of water a day so that they get great benefits for their health.

He ideal consumption for each age It is as follows: babies of 0 to 6 months they should consume 0.7 liters per day of water (from breastfeeding), of 6 to 12 months 0.8 liters a day, of 1 to 3 years 1.3 liters a day, of 4 to 8 years 1.7 liters per day, of 9 to 13 years between 2.1 and 2.4 liters a day. From 14 to 18 years between 2.3 and 2.4 liters a day and from 18 2.5 liters a day.

The adults lose 2.5 liters of water every day performing routine activities, what we may not know is that children lose more in proportion, since in addition to the physiological needs of their age, they usually carry out activity and physical exercise continuously, which causes your body to increase the water loss that must be replenished, so the need of children is greater than that of an adult.

Children not only suffer dehydration In summer if this happens we will notice you tired, irritable, with difficulty concentrating and headache. We must also bear in mind that lack of water can bring urinary infections among other disorders such as obesity. When the child does not accompany meals with water but does so with soft drinks, commercial juices and other types of sugary drinks, he is increasing the calories he eats, so the risk of gaining weight is more than likely.

The thirst It is the signal that our body sends us when it needs water, by the time we feel thirsty, we may have already lost one or two percent of the water in the body and that is enough to affect our performance. If we only drink to satisfy our thirst it is not enough since the body can take up to 24 hours to fully hydrate the cells and recover their maximum functioning.

Therefore it is important that we put in the backpack of our kids a bottle of water a day although then I should drink more at school and at home, get used to making the main meals with water (that we also see adults consume) and cut the number of industrial drinks that children drink.

What should be clear to us is that the water is going to help the body to transport nutrients, eliminate waste and promote digestion what makes it essential for our life and that of our children to be carried out in a healthy way.