Do you want to be a donor of breast milk? Seven things you should know

The benefits of breast milk for babies is unquestionable, especially for babies admitted to neonatal care for prematurity or illness. For these children it is liquid gold, a natural medicine to prevent infections and improve their recovery.

There are mothers who cannot feed these babies with their own milk and breast milk banks are used. There are many mothers who want to collaborate but do not know how, so we tell you all you need to know if you want to be a breast milk donor.

Can all women who are breastfeeding donate milk?

Any healthy mother who is breastfeeding her baby and leading a healthy lifestyle can do it. And of course, if you want to donate your milk voluntarily and altruistically, since there is no financial reward.

You should not consume alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or certain medications or herbs that could harm the baby. Nor can it be a carrier of infections (hepatitis B or C, HIV, syphilis).

I want to donate, where do I start?

If you meet the requirements to be a donor, you should go to the nearest breast milk bank with your ID and health card.

There are currently seven breast milk banks in Spain in: Madrid, Zaragoza, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Palma de Mallorca, Granada and Mérida. In addition, there are other projects in Seville, Murcia and Valladolid.

There the mother will be interviewed and fill out a form about health, lifestyle, illness, etc. and a blood test will be done to rule out infections.

When can I start donating?

Once breastfeeding your baby is well establishedAt least 3 or 4 weeks after birth, you can start donating.

Will my baby run out of milk?

It is one of the most common concerns, but calm your baby will continue to receive all the milk he needs to be well fed. In fact, pumping milk to donate will further stimulate milk production.

Is there a minimum amount to donate?

There is no minimum, every drop counts for babies who need it. You can donate the amount of milk you want. There is also no deadline, although frequent donations are preferable, you can donate for as long as you want or you can.

How should I do the extraction?

You can take out milk once a day with a breast pump (provided by the milk bank), or while the baby is breastfeeding from one breast or the other, or after your baby has suckled. You can make the extraction at home, more comfortable, or at the milk bank itself.

Anyway, each bank has its protocols. If you are a donor, you will receive an instruction manual on how to do the extraction, as well as to know the conservation and transport process.

How to keep it?

The bank will also provide containers to freeze the extracted milk and will give you instructions on how to keep it until the time of collection to ensure it arrives in good condition.

Breast milk is very important for babies admitted to intensive care units, protects them from infections and helps increase defenses to recover sooner.

There should be more banks in Spain that could provide breast milk to all babies who need it, even if they cannot receive milk from their own mother, which would be ideal. That is why it is helpful for them that Become a donor. Donating milk is giving life.